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retrospect launches but no response


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I have an external hard drive that I back up to. My main computer uses Maxtor one touch software to launch restrospect express hd for the backup. I just discovered today that retrospect has stopped backing up about 2 months ago (when i go the external hardrive, i see that thee last backup occured then). I disconnected and reconnected the hardware. Maxtor sees it and tested it and said it was ok. Then i had it launch Retrospect but no reponse from retrospect after it launched. I uninstalled both Maxtor and retrospect and reinstalled them and rebooted but still the results are the same. The hardware is fine. The problem is Retrospect fails to respond when hitting the "setup" button. It also fails to respond when i right click the tray icon and ask it to back up.

Any ideas? I have also disabled my firewall.



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problem solved... Seagate tech told me the version of retrospect i have had problems with windows and there was another version i needed to download. i downloaded the 1.1 version from this site and installed it over the existing version...that solved it all.


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