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Proactive "checking media" and stuck there!

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Hey all;


A problem with Retrospect! I came back from several days off and the guy who was supposted to be swapping drives for me didn't. My system is setup to groom the next days tape ready before the first backup kicks off at 1am. Of course, as the tapes were not swapped several backups were missed. not to mention grooms.


Now I'm back Retrospect seems to be stuck on 'Checking Media' in the Proactive window and I can't stop it for love nor money. I have re-cataloged the drive to make sure that's in good order, have rebooted the server and retrospect, yet as soon as it loads proactive reports 'checking media'.


The proactive backup copies to both SATA hot swap drives which are taken off-site and a USB SATA unit which is an internal recovery drive for staff. I have tried removing one or both from the Proactive script - yet nothing.


The media seems fine, I have run a test backup onto the drive without a problem, yet can't stop the proactive backups from within the run menu (I get the 'are you sure?' message then nothing) or close the application without crashing it messily since this happened.


Has anyone seen this before? I'm one step away from reinstalling the application (yet again) to try and resolve the issue.


Many thanks,



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