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script incomplete unknown error


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I encountered a strange error for a client. The client is a gnu/linux machine


can't read state information error 31141932



And the log of the client says:


1163677238: Connection established by XXX

1163677248: TransWritePipe: write() failed with error 32

1163677248: TransWritePipe: write() failed with error 32

1163677248: TransWritePipe: write() failed with error 32

1163677248: TransStart: waitpid failed with error 10

1163677249: ConnReadData: Connection with XXX closed



Anybody have some hints?

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Unfortunately, I don't have any hints as to how to fix this, but I am experiencing a similar problem as well. My error number is different, but the client won't backup. I'm wondering if it has something to do with the age of the distribution. I am attempting to use the client on a SuSE 7.3 box, which is hopelessly out of date at this point and I'm thinking that some of the libraries aren't new enough to support the retrospect client.


I haven't been able to find anything out about this error, though. :-/

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