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I am using Retrospect 5.0.238 and Jaguar 10.2.8 I backed up to a external RAID, with no problem. I now have a 400 Gig data file, with a 500 Meg catalog on the RAID. I want to back that up to a AIT 3 Tape drive, each tape having capacity of 100Gigs.


The problem I have, is that the backup never ends. It goes through 10 AIT tapes (800 - 900 gigs) and it keeps asking for more. It shouldn't need that many, since this is only a 400 gig file. Looking at the Backup set details, it says each tape got filled 90% and the data size of the backup is 818 gigs....why so much?


Is there a limit on the size of a single file?






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