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Multiple instance of Retrospect with Panther

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I've had Retrospect Server 5.0.X running on an OS X 10.2 machine taking care of all the backups for our school. . . works rather well.


I updated to OS X 10.3 on the machine two nights ago. I fear it was a mistake.


Retrospect still runs, but when it is running and the time comes for a client is to be backed up, Retrospect (or some other process) launches a 2nd instance of Retrospect as shown in the Dock. I then receive 2 e-mail messages that the script had started. Immediately thereafter I receive a 3rd e-mail with the message "Volume "Backup Clients: Blahblahblah completed with error -45: file locked.". When the backup is completed I then get a message that the backup was successful.


Looking at the backup status of the clients would leave me to believe that it was attempting to backup twice and that one of the two was in deed successful.


Has anyone else experienced this, and do you know the workaround, or is there one? This does not seem to be one of the issues mentioned in the Panther Upgrade Knowledgebase.


Thanks so much.


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