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  • 4 weeks later...

Well, January was a little early to be asking that question.


But now seems the right time.


Is there any way to join a beta group for 10.3 drivers? Retrospect 5.0.238 with driver 3.5.104 does not run Backup Scripts on schedules with Energy Saver set to Computer Never Sleeps, Hard Disk never sleeps, only Display sleeps, in OS 10.3 latest beta, G5 Dual 2.0 GB. Yet if I happen to be awake and at my computer at 2:30 AM, it does run. That _seems_ to be implying that I can't let the Display (a 23" Cinema HD) sleep, which is wrong.


I would like to test any new version or drivers for OS 10.3 or G5s, since Retrospect is not much good to me without schedules. Perhaps you're short on G5 Dual 2.0 testers and could use me?

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  • 3 weeks later...



The following known issues exist when using Retrospect 5.1 and the Retrospect 5.1 Client for Macintosh with Apple’s new Panther operating systems (Mac OS X 10.3 and Mac OS X Server 10.3).  




The following known issues exist when using Retrospect 5.1 and the Retrospect 5.1 Client for Macintosh with Apple’s new Panther operating systems (Mac OS X 10.3 and Mac OS X Server 10.3).


New Finder

• Panther’s new Finder will display a duplicate icon on the desktop for CDs and DVDs that belong to a Retrospect Backup Set. Ejecting one CD/DVD icon will remove both icons from the desktop.


Fast User Switching

• Retrospect can only be run by one user at a time.



• FileVault stores each user’s home directory in an encrypted disk image file, similar to those created by Apple’s Disk Copy. When a user is logged in, Retrospect will back up the contents of the user’s FileVault-protected home directory (provided that either the Local Desktop container or the specific user’s FileVault-protected home directory is selected in Retrospect’s Source Selection window). If multiple users are logged in, Retrospect will back up all mounted FileVault home directories.

• Retrospect will also attempt to back up logged-in users’ FileVault sparse image files, essentially adding duplicate data to the backups. In addition, if a user changes any data in their home directory during the copy phase of the backup, Retrospect may not be able to restore a valid copy of that user’s sparse image file. Dantz recommends excluding logged-in users’ FileVault sparse image files from backups.

• For each user who is not logged in, the FileVault sparse image file that contains that user’s home directory will be backed up. Retrospect is prevented from accessing the individual files contained within the encrypted disk image.

• If Retrospect Backup Set Catalog Files are saved in a user’s FileVault-protected home directory, Retrospect will only be able to access those Catalog Files when the user is logged in. Dantz recommends saving Catalog Files in an always-accessible location.

• In the Configure Devices window, Retrospect will show all mounted FileVault home directories as removable volumes, listing a “Content unrecognized” status. WARNING: Do not select a FileVault volume and click Erase! To do so will erase the entire contents of that user’s home directory.

• As with any encryption method, Dantz recommends that users carefully consider the consequences of losing their passwords (and thus their data) before employing FileVault encryption in Panther.


Case-Sensitive HFS+ (Panther Server only)

• Panther Server’s Disk Utility allows administrators to format disks with a new case-sensitive HFS Plus file system. Retrospect 5.1 does not recognize case-sensitive file names. If “file” and “FILE” exist in the same directory, only one will be backed up.


Device Support

• SCSI host adapters may require new software drivers to function properly under Panther. Please check your SCSI card manufacturer’s website for updated drivers. Panther’s SCSI changes could additionally affect Retrospect’s ability to communicate with certain tape drives, autoloaders, and libraries.


Miscellaneous Issues

• Retrospect is not able to autolaunch at the Panther login screen. Computers left at the login screen can be successfully backed up with the Retrospect client software.

• Retrospect may not launch on the first attempt after logging out or restarting. Trying to launch Retrospect a second time should be successful.

• Retrospect is not able to restart, shut down, or sleep the backup computer after completing scripted operations.

• Users may notice screen redraw problems, such as oddly spaced text.

• Retrospect client notification windows (errors, successful backup messages) will not appear in Panther.



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Will the bug-fix for 5.1 be a free update? I have yet to update to 5.1, because my department is strapped for money, the major feature of 5.1 (Linux support) was unimportant, and the bug fixes (though nice) were not critical. It would be bad enough to pay full upgrade price for an 8-month-old bug fix (5.1) without having to then pay for yet another upgrade in 2 months time.



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Prepurchasing upgrades seems to be a bit like paying money in a protection racket. "Pay me now, and you won't have to pay in the future!" This is especially true when bug-fixes come out as costly upgrades.


One would think that since Panther has been ballyhooed by Apple for so long, that the folks at Dantz might have figured out a strategy for upgrades before the update came out. Unless, of course, they are trying to figure out just how much money can be milked out of an Apple OS upgrade.




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