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Tape Issue- Retrospect not reading media properly

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Hi Anyone,


I am running Retrospect 6.1.2 on MAC OSX 10.4.3 Server with a Quantum DLT VS80 AutoLoader attached to it. The problem I am facing is when I need to interchange tapes due to current ones being full. When I am running a backup and a new blank tape is inserted, Retrospect refers to the new tape as the old one which was just removed from the slot.


Eg. When a tape in slot 1 is called 1-Data2005 and fills up I remove it and place a fresh new tape into the drive. The new tape is then displayed as 1-Data2005 in Slot 1 but has (Erased) displayed to the side.


I have tried the following:


- Restart server

- Update autoloader directory

- Attempt several device scans


Nothing seems to fix this issue? Any ideas?




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1- There is no build of Retrospct numbered "6.1.2" The most current build of Retrospect is 6.1.126


2- Tape drive behavior is influenced by the RDU (Retrospect Device Update) that loads with the program. What version of the RDU file is in the same folder as the Retrospect directory? You can see the RDU version entered in the Operations Log each time Retrospect launches.


3- MAC OSX 10.4.3 Server is a software product; what hardware are you running it on?


4- What make/model of SCSI host adapter is controlling the DLT? What is the version of the card's firmware? What version of software is loading for the card?


I have no idea what might be causing your problem, but having your complete configuration is a good first step to discovering a solution.



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  • 2 weeks later...


Could this be related to the new way Reteospect looks at tapes? If you pull one tape out, and put another in, retrospect will think the old tape is named the same as the new one until it goes into the drive... I'm not making very much sense there, but I hope the point gets across. I've found a barcode reader helps a lot. I think the solution here, is whenever you put new tapes in, have them scanned by Retrospect.


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