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Archiving and verification?

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Hi everyone,


Running Retrospect 6.1 Multi-server for Mac OS X.


If I have an 'Archive' script with the 'Verification' option turned on, then what happens if the verification fails? Does Retrospect still delete the source files? It seems logical that it shouldn't becasue of the varify failure, and I don't want it to in my case, but wanted to know if that's the case. Obviously a tricky one to test, which is why I haven't.



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Obviously a tricky one to test, which is why I haven't.



Testing might be quite easy.


- Set up a test Archive, with a Source consisting of sample files you don't care about; make sure that they are files you can change (such as text files).

- As soon as the Verification begins, pause the execution.

- Open one (or more) of the files on the Destination, make some changes and save.

- Resume the execution and see what happens.

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