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Auto Erase Tape Media

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Running Retrospect 6.1.126 on OS X Server 10.3.9.


I back up clients to file daily, no problem.


I have 3 additional rotating backup sets. That is, at the end of the month, Set 1 runs. Next month, Set 2. The following month, Set 3. Then back to Set 1.


They backup to a Quantum tape drive, with 17 tapes available. Each set only takes up about 6 or 7 tapes. So Set 1 runs fine. Set 2 runs fine.


Here's what happens: after the media gets filled up, say during 3, Retrospect will not find any blank media and therfore wait and prompt for me to select and erase media so it can begin.


Since these generally run over the weekend while I'm not here, I come back to find the job stalled, which is a pain. I don't want to have to manually erase all the tapes every time.


What I would like to happen is to have Retrospect just overwrite previous sets (for instance Set 1) and continue.


I have searched extensively and it seems like it is designed specifically to have to manually do this.


Is this true? Does anyone know of a way to automate this?


Any thoughts, suggestions are appreciated.


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Thanks for your answer.


I just want to clarify though.


I understand Retrospect will not overwrite a known member of an existing backup set.


But if I leave a blank tape in the library like you say -


will Retrospect use the blank tape first, and then continue to use existing tapes with data?


Sounds like what you're saying is no.


But since this is what I want it to do, I just want to make sure.


- rkay

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