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Create a Boot CD for Retrospect Express 6.1.x for OS X 10.4?

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With Mac OS X 10.3, using Retrospect Express 6.0.x, I was able to create a backup boot CD for my G5 iMac. Now, I am running Retrospect Express 6.1.x under Mac OS X 10.4.x and want to create a backup boot CD, but have been unable to find a utility that allows this, such as BootCD, which doesn't work with Tiger. Anyone know of a utility, or of a way to create such a bootable CD?

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I would do that, but I didn't find a disk image for Retrospect Express. I originally purchased a 6.0.x version of Express, and through installed online updates, am now running 6.1.x. I found the downloadable boot CD for Retrospect 6, but didn't find a downloadable boot CD for Express. Maybe I am not looking for the downloadable Express boot CD in the right location?

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