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OS X + Retrospect 6.0.1 won't backup anymore to Library (keeps hanging forever)

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Hi All,


This is a long story...


I am using the following config:


- PowerMac G5 Dual 2 Ghz with 1,5 GB RAM, ATTO UL4S SCSI card, Running OS X 10.3.4, Retrospect 6.0.178, Devicve Access version: 1.0.104, Driver Update Version: 5.0.105.

Only tasks are Backup using Retrospect and be there when ever my Xserve might fail.)

- Qualstar TLS 4480 Tapelibrary (AIT-2, 4 drives, 84 tapeslots, Dual SCSI)


- Xserve with Fiber connection to X RAID of 1.1 TB




We are since 3 weeks in the process of using Retrospect as our main Backup system of our XRAID.

Before we had an old IBM RS 6000 server with the TLS 4480 attached. We were then using Legato Networker as our main Backup tool for the fileserver.

Since the IBM is gone and we are now using our Xserve/Xraid for Fileserving I want to use the left over TLS 4480 Tapelibrary on my Backup G5.


Retrospect recognizes the library and its drives (2 drives at the moment, since I am using a single channel SCSI card. The dual channel card is ordered).

The library is supported bij Retrospect (according to the website)

I am using 3 backup sets (Week-A, Week-B, Week-C witch backup Recycle on Friday night, and then perform Normal (incremental) to the same set on the weekdays)


Retrospect actually did work as expected with Week-A, but when trying (automatically) the incremental for Week-B Retrospect doesn't finish. It just keeps waiting forever on a certain file. It just is sitting there telling me it is backingup a certain file. I have to force quit Retrospect and then reboot the machine otherwise Retrospect wil not start again.


One time I did get the following message:


Catalog out of sync with backup set “Week_C_PPPi”.

Select Tools>Repair>Update Existing from the Directory.

02-11-2005 10:53:13: Execution incomplete.

Remaining: 3262 files, 25,4 GB

Completed: 0 files, zero KB


So I Tied the suggested Repair.

Repair keeps sitting forever on the same file.

I tried to move the specified file off the server but then it fails on another file.


I thought the backup set might be corrupt so I Recyled set Week-A which performed great on a previous occassion. No luck this time.



Anyone any thoughts?

If Retrospect can't be 100% reliable I need to use something else. I cannot not backup 1,5 TerraBytes.


Thanks in advance,



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