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6.1 and DVD mounting woes

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Retrospect 6.1 introduced a modified file system plugin that (for some reason) allows mounting of the backup disks in the Finder desktop. It also seems to have the effect of locking up Retrospect when it scans the drives in preparation for a backup, and the disk is unejectable by mere mortals without a restart. The plugin is located at /System/Library/Filesystems/retrospectcd.fs. If you remove the plugin the system behaves normally again, except after a back up the Finder will pop up a dialog asking you what you want to do with the disk, etc. I found that the behavior of the version 6.0 plugin was optimal, because the disk wouldn't mount but would be ejectable, and the plugin prevented the Finder dialog from popping up. So I replaced the 6.1 filesystem plugin with the 6.0 plugin and I'm happy again.


So... what's the purpose of mounting retrospect disks on the Finder desktop, if you can't do anything with the dat outside of Retrospect?

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hmmm and I have 6.1 and for me backups do NOTmount in the finder..... only way to eject is from inside retrospect.


Incidentally the advanced option which should make the disk be ejected automatically at the end of a backup doesnt appear to work


OS 10.4.2



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hmmm and I have 6.1 and for me backups do NOTmount in the finder..... only way to eject is from inside retrospect.


Incidentally the advanced option which should make the disk be ejected automatically at the end of a backup doesnt appear to work


OS 10.4.2





I'm sorry--what good is it if you have to eject disks from within Retrospect??!! This "feature" has to be better documented somewhere, but I've been unable to find anything.

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