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Client back-up notification gone in 6.1?!

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Do I just have something misconfigured or did the client back-up notification dialog (displayed by the client when a back-up is about to start) get removed in 6.1? I didn't see anything in the client preferences for turning it on or off. That dialog was an important feature for my PowerBook so that I knew when a back-up was happening and didn't put the PB to sleep until it was done.




Also, the PB is running Tiger but my server machine is still running Panther. Do I need to upgrade the server to 6.1 to be able to properly back up the PB?

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I had to look up "proactive backup script" on the Dantz web site to determine that it's the same thing as the Backup Server. So, the answer to your question is yes.




If it is something on the server side, it's really odd that it quit working when I hadn't yet changed anything on the server, unless there's an incompatibility in that capability when using a 6.1 client with a 6.0 server.




I've since upgraded the server machine to 6.1 and everything except that dialog still appears to work. I'll check those settings this evening.

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The client notification (it's actually referred to as "Client Countdown") is an option in the Backup Server script itself. You will want to check that the countdown time is reasonable (say, 20 seconds), and that the message you want displayed is visible in the countdown message box.

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I just tested this wth both a 6.0 server and 6.1 server backing up a 6.1 client and the client countdown screen did pop up on the client machines.




Please check the following:


Automate > Scripts > Edit your Backup Server script > Options > More Choices > Client Countdown.

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I actually thought of that this morning. I did an uninstall/install when I first installed the 6.1 client, but I used the 6.1 uninstaller on the 6.0 client so I'm wondering if some piece of 6.0 was left behind. This evening, I plan to run the 6.0 uninstaller followed by the 6.1 uninstaller to hopefully get all the pieces, reboot, and then reinstall 6.1. I'll also turn off the client before I try this so that no processes are running in the background (theoretically).


I'd welcome any other suggestions for performing this task to make sure I get it right.

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  • 2 weeks later...

One more failure: I tried installing a brand new Tiger system on a newly-obtained computer and installing Retrospect 6.1 from scratch. The only thing I moved over from the previous installation was the Retrospect.Config file because I had set up some selectors and subvolumes and there's no way to save them off for importing. I even tried changing the Client Countdown to 30 seconds, but the problem still exists: as soon as a backup is due, the server just barrels on ahead and performs the backup without providing the client countdown dialog.


I also tried the updated client installer with no improvement.


I guess the last thing I can try is recreating all my selectors and subvolumes, but I'm hesitant to do so unless I know for sure that this is not a problem for anybody else.

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>I guess the last thing I can try is recreating all my selectors and subvolumes, but I'm hesitant to do so unless I know for sure that this is not a problem for anybody else.


How about trashing the Retro.config file, adding the Powerbook to the client database, configuring a small test volume on the powerbook (eg /Library/WebServer/) and trying an automated backup.


If it works as you expect, then its a configuration issue.


If not, then you may be on to something...



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I am having the same problem -- no client countdown timer after upgrading to 6.1. I'm also running the server on Panther with Tiger clients. I upgraded both the server and the clients at the same time. I didn't do a 6.0 uninstall prior to upgrading to 6.1, because I just assumed that would happen. (!!)


Unfortunatelyl I haven't had much time to dig into this, but based on everything you have tried without success, it's beginning to sound bug-like.


More new later if I find anything interesting...



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  • 1 month later...

Has anyone made any progress on this? I have been experiencing the same problem. My server is OS 10.3, client is 10.4. Countdown worked fine until I installed 6.1 everywhere. Mine is currently set for 26 seconds. I've changed it a few times with no results. The client does still report when the backup is complete.

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