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Can't save custom selection

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I recently started using Retrospect. I am trying to create a custom selector with only certain files and folders selected. For some reason, my custom selections don't save.




Here's what I do. I go to Configure>Volumes and click on my Mac OS user name ("Mihael", the folder with all of my documents, library, etc.) that I defined as a subvolume. I then mark certain folders (Documents, Pictures, certain Library folders) that I want to back up, go to Browser>Higlight Marks, then Browser>Save Highlights. I save it as "folder pathname is identical to". When close all these windows and go to the newly saved selector to verify it, only some of the folders (consistenly) have checkmarks next to them and others (with jpeg, doc, txt, etc) files don't. I tried moving those folders, restarting the computer and moving the folders back to make sure those folders are not corrupt - doesn't help. I have no other filters enabled.




I am running Tiger with all updates, the latest Retrospect.




Any help would be appreciated. I an on a brick of switching to some other backup program that may not be as good but will at least backup all of the files I need.

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Here's what I do..... I save it as "folder pathname is identical to"



Perhaps that's your problem.


That designation will only select files at the root level of the highlighted folder. To select everything in the highlighted folder, including the contents of nested folders, you need to save it as "_Enclosing_ folder pathname is identical to."

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Thanks twickland for your suggestion. Actually that works on most files and folders, but a few. There are some folders inside my Documents and Pictures folders that even after I select everything inside Documents and Pictures, save the selection, and reopen the selector to verify it, those particular folders consistently will loose their selection. And they are not empty - they have doc, txt, jpg, etc. files in them. I checked that they have same write-access level as all of my other folders.


Any other suggestions?

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