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Retrospect Crashing when using Tiger

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I have just upgraded my main computer to Tiger, and have all the latest system updates running (10.4.2, etc.). In addition, I checked the Dantz site, and installed Backup version 6.0.212. All the installation ran fine, and from what I can see, the system itself is working fine. Each morning, though, it appears that Retrospect is hanging in the verification mode. Here is what the message in the log is (I run a recycle backup every night at 11:00 pm):


+ Recycle backup using 7-Day Backup at 9/18/2005 11:00 PM

Can't add to backup set 7-Day Backup: The catalog is locked.

9/18/2005 11:00:20 PM: Execution incomplete.

Quit at 9/18/2005 11:00 PM


Nonetheless, the backup looks to be ok, but the verification doesn't look complete. Since I have done the upgrade to Tiger, Retrospect has done this every night. Is this a Retrospect or system issue? In any case, are there any solutions?

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Can you check your log a little more closely, and see if it's showing Retrospect launching twice (without quitting in between)?


The locked catalog issue has been reported since the first versioins of 5.0 shipped. Once, a while ago, NateW from Dantz said he had reproduced it. But there has never been a word about it since. Lots of various reports, always when the program auto-launches.


It's not Tiger related; but it beats me what causes it.



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But is there anything to look for? This morning, I had a dialog box up from Retrospect that it had quit unexpectedly.


In checking the log, it looks as if things are running normally until the verification portion of a recycle backup. I have mine run every night at 11pm, and in the moring, the status bar doesn't indicate completion. The log for last night only indicated one issue-- "Can't read file "filename", error -43 (file/folder noth found), path "filename". From what I saw, it was a single file for registration in Adobe CS2, and looks as if it has foreign characters (probably vietnamese). Aside from this, it looks ok.


Could the OS have something to do with it, though? I recently upgraded the startup drive, which is an Ultra ATA-133, running off a PCI bus ATA card (this G4 only supports the slower ATA off the motherboard). I installed all applications from scratch onto this drive, and now the computer will go into deep sleep mode, and won't wake to launch Retrospect when scheduled. Should I allow hard disk sleep, but not CPU?

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