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External drive mysteriously disappears

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I was using Retrospect this morning to try to resurrect a catalog for a set of disks. I've been trying to recover one stupid folder from a set of backups forever, but it seems that it's just not there. Anyway, I had a kernal panic, then i had to reinstall Retrospect (and the update). For some reason, now my external drive doesn't show up. When i tried to reconfigure, I r/w a CD, DVD, and then it stopped when I put in a CD-RW, so I had to manually force-quit. Then i had to reinstart the computer, and it didn't show the drive again. What gives?

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So now I am confused. Which drive are you trying to use to restore?

The TDK drive is not on the EMC Dantz supported devices list. You would need to run the configuration wizard to use it.


What is the media you are trying to restore from? (CD-RW?)

What drive did you use to create these discs in the first place?

What is the make and model of the internal drive on your ibook?

What version of Retrospect and OSX are you using?




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