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Unable to make incremental backups to Mercury on the Go

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I have three external FireWire hard drives: an EZQuest Cobra, An OWC Mercury and an OWC Mercury on the Go 60 GB.

I use Retrospect 6.0.204

All my drives have two or more partitions that I use either to back up with Retrospect or to Clone to with Carbon Copy Cloner.

I have no problem making incremental Backups to partitions on the Cobra or the Mercury and initially didn't with the Mercury on the Go. Recently, however whenever I want to back up I receive a message that there is insufficient room. It wants to back up ALL my user folder again and there is only room for it once.

I am backing up as a File with the catalog on the partition.

I erased the back up and backed everything up from scratch but now when I want to make an incremental backup I face the same problem again.

So far this has not happened when using partitions on the other drives.

The only difference is that I have a small folder containing other things on the same partition. Retrospect wasn't initially bothered by this set up.

I removed all drives from my daisy chain and mounted the Mercury on the Go alone directly to the Firewire drive of by Tibook. No success

I run OSX 10.3.9 on a Titanium Powerbook G4 667 mhz

Any help would be very welcome.

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I am doing an inmediate backup and have changed no settings.

I just rechecked and both "match Source Files to catalogue" and "don't add duplicates to backup set" were and are selected.

I tried to backup and am told 13.9 GB need to be backed up and there is no room on my partition (11 GB are free). Last night I backed up to an earlier backup and had 700MB to back up (on another drive and partition).

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