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Diaster recovery questions (Planning ahead) and Duplicate Question

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I the manual it states:

"WARNING: You must install he same exact version number of Mac OSX as the version you will restore. For example, if the backed up computer was previously running version 10.1.5 you must install Mac OSX 10.1.5"


After installing a new major version (Tiger for example) I do a some Full backups to DVD-RW. Then I start doing incremental backups. 10.4, 10.4.1, 10.4.2 etc. Is the fact that the backup contains multiple versions of the OS going to cause problems if I restore the latest version from the backup with the corresponding OS on the hard drive?


Are there any issues with restoring to a partition different than the original partition (I have 2 boot partitions and I only have Retrospect installed on one partition. I use it to backup both partitions)?


When using the Duplicate Function the manual states:

"Replace Entire Disk replaces the entire contents of the destination volume with the selected files and folders from the source volume. Identical files already present on the destination are not duplicated."


Does identical files are not duplicated mean that later versions of the same file ARE duplicated?





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The warning you quote is _only_ if you do a "Live Restore."


You can avoid any sort of concerns by booting from some other volume (such as an external HD or internal partition) and then doing a Restore onto an empty volume.


This is much faster as well, as Retrospect doesn't have to scan any files on the Destination before begining to write files.




For both Duplicate methods, newer changed files are always copied to the Destination. The difference between Replace Entire and Replace Corosponding is the former will delete files on the Destination if they have been deleted from the Source, while the latter doesn't delete any files (so the resulting operation may not be an exact duplicate, as the Destination volume may have more files then the Source does).

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