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Spotlight won't be excluded

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I've been having a lot of trouble backing up my Tiger machines. I'm constantly getting error messages related to Spotlight from the clients. Everything seems to backup just fine until it gets to the Spotlight files at the end of the backup. It hangs for a bit and then the backup quits with literally hundreds of error messages about bad backup sectors, etc. I'm not having this problem with any of my Windows, Linux or Panther clients.


I read the article on creating a selector to exclude the Spotlight files. I'm sure I've done it exactly as it states. However, whenever I have this selector enabled the backup only backs up 6 files! It also doesn't generate any errors. Disable it and it backs up everything it should and gives me the same error messages.


I'm running Retrospect 6.212 on a 10.2.8 machine and all the Tiger clients have the 110 client.


I'm sure I've got this selector set up right. Anyone have any ideas why this rule seems to be working backwards?

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quote: Anyone have any ideas why this rule seems to be working backwards?


It really does sound like you have written the selector wrongly. What happens when you do a 'check selector' on the selector you created? Also, does this selector do anything else, or is it just one line that says,


But always exclude files matching

name contains .Spotlight-V100


It's my belief that the Selectors are the trickiest feature in Retrospect. It's easy to make a mistake.

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Things can get confusing if you include one selector inside another


If you create a selector--call it Selector A--that excludes files matching another selector--call it Selector B--that itself also excludes files, be aware that what will happen is that all the files NOT excluded by Selector B WILL be excluded by Selector A, and thus will not be backed up. This may be just the reverse of what you intended.


If you want both selectors to function "normally"--that is, for files excluded by either selector not to be backed up--Selector A must be written to INCLUDE files selected by Selector B.


Another thing which may or may not be an issue: version 6.0.212 is intended only for use on a machine running Tiger. You are using it on a Jaguar system, which is not recommended.

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My selector says:


Always exclude:


Name of folder contains .Spotlight-V100 selecting all enclosed items


I then added this selector to the Always exclude section of the script in question. Could this be like adding two negative numbers -- the selector says always exclude and it's added under always exclude so they cancel each other out?


I'll roll the machine back to the latest version that isn't Tiger specific.

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