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PSA: Website location of Retrospect Windows 17 User's Guide .PDF


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Retrospect Windows administrators,

This is the website location of the Retrospect Windows 17 User's Guide.  I'm posting the URL because there's some possibility—which I dare not discuss further—that the remaining link to it on the official Retrospect.com website may be changed to link to another document.  I've taken the time to ensure that all my past posts which mention that version of the UG contain a link to its URL.

Edited by DavidHertzberg
Added "Retrospect" to thread title. Rephrased to whom this post is addressed.
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Retrospect Windows administrators,

The page linked-to directly above by the head of Retrospect Tech Support says on its top line "Retrospect Backup 18 [my emphasis] for Windows User's Guide", and contains a TOC of links to sections of thatAt the moment, clicking the "PDF" button at the right of that top line will take you to the complete paginated Retrospect Windows 17 UG PDF.  However, based on a reasonable guess from what happened in late March 2020 a couple of weeks after the release of Retrospect Windows 17, that button will surely soon instead take you to a forthcoming complete paginated Retrospect Windows 18 UG PDF.

This won't be satisfactory for those of you needing to access the Retrospect Windows 17 UG, because the link in the Documents from Previous Releases section of the Archives page entitled "Retrospect Backup 17 for Windows User's Guide" now takes you to this page that dynamically switches back and forth between marketing blurbs for Retrospect Retrospect Backup 18 and Retrospect Virtual 2021.  I'd call it an error; Retrospect "Inc." should fix it ASAP.

Edited by DavidHertzberg
Rephrased to whom this post is addressed.
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Retrospect Windows administrators,

What I predicted in the first paragraph of the post immediately above came to pass today.  If you want to access the Retrospect Windows 17 User's Guide, you can no longer do it through the link in the Documents from Previous Releases section of the Archives page--the link now erroneously points to a dynamically-switching marketing document for Backup 18 and V. 2021.  Currently the only way to access the Retrospect Windows 17 UG is via this link.

I have been told by a senior person in Retrospect Sales that this linking error is an inadvertent by-product of the movement of Retrospect documents from one Webserver to another.  It is not, as my conspiratorial mindset had suggested, the result of a desperate attempt to get all customers to upgrade from Retrospect Windows 17 to Retrospect Windows 18.  The senior person in Sales says the error will be fixed.

Some possible justification for my conspiratorial mindset is contained in this new Knowledge Base article.  It says, among other things, "All editions above Solo include Annual Support and Maintenance (ASM)."  This new document, linked to from that KB article, discloses that upgrades from previous versions of Retrospect to Retrospect Windows 18 will therefore be about US$45 more expensive than previous upgrades were—for those of us non-Solo administrators who have not previously signed up for ASM.  That new document also says Storage Groups aren't included in the Desktop Edition license.

P.S.: This is now Support Case # 79723.


Edited by DavidHertzberg
In second sentence of first paragraph, the Archives-page link now points to a dynamically-switching marketing document for Backup 18 and V. 2021. PS: This is now a Support Case.
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The problem discussed as recently as the first two paragraphs of my immediately-preceding 7 June 2021 post has now been fixed.  The top-left link in the Documents from Previous Releases section of the Archives page now correctly points to the Retrospect Windows 17 User's Guide.

The fix happened no sooner than Sunday 13 June 2021; that's 4 days after I filed Support Case #79723.  It seems an HTML-knowledgeable adult had to work over the weekend.

However the new document linked-to in the third paragraph of my immediately-preceding 7 June 2021 post is still faulty insofar as Retrospect Mac 18 is concerned.  That section of the document says that the license price for the Single Server 5 Edition begins at US$49/month or US$799 perpetual, but the license price for the Single Server 20 Edition begins at US$29/month or US$549 perpetual.😂  Also its column for the Desktop Edition does not have a checkmark for NAS Source Protection.  By contrast, the column of the document for Retrospect Windows 18 Desktop Edition has now been corrected—after my phone and e-mail communication with a high official in Retrospect Sales—to add a checkmark for NAS Source Protection , and that document was originally created with the correct license prices for the Single Server 5 and Single Server 20 Editions.  It seems Retrospect "Inc." could not field an HTML-knowledgeable adult having the sense HaShem gave geese over the weekend.

BTW, neither the Retrospect Windows 18 Desktop Edition nor the Retrospect Mac 18 Desktop Edition has a checkmark for Storage Groups.  The high official in Retrospect Sales says that omission is a policy decision, consistent with cutting Concurrent Operations for the Desktop Edition from 16 to 4.

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The problems discussed in the third paragraph of my preceding 14 June 2021 post were just fixed late in the night of 15 June 2021, after I  filed Support Case #79825 later—but still very early—on the morning of 14 June 2021.  The Mac section of the new Web document "Retrospect Backup Compare Editions" now agrees with the Windows section: the license price for the Single Server 5 Edition begins at US$29/month or US$549 perpetual, the license price for the Single Server 20 Edition begins at US$49/month or US$799 perpetual, and there now is a checkmark for NAS Source Protection in its column for the Desktop Edition.

I had written an e-mail covering these errors to a highly-placed person in Retrospect Sales after close-of-business in California on 7 June 2021, confirming a phone conversation we had had earlier that day.  He had previously told me that the new document was written specifically for the use of customers,  so that they could understand the differences between Editions more easily than by using the long-existing Sales Configurator on the Retrospect Website.  Evidently the highly-placed person in Retrospect Sales was unable by himself to mobilize within Retrospect "Inc." an HTML-knowledgeable adult having the sense HaShem gave geese.  I dare not comment further on this organizational matter.


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