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Restore RDB files to scratch re-install


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Running Retrospect 9.5 for Windows, have been doing encrypted backups to external drives.  The PC that was running Retrospect crashed and we've had to re-install WIndows and all the applications, including Retrospect 9.5.  I have a bunch of RDB files in a sub-folder on an external drive.  How do I re-create the database and restore files from this backup set?  I do have the encryption key handy.  I tried copying the folder with all the files to the PC, then trying to recreate the catalog but when navigating to the copied folder, it shows nothing and I have no OK button to click, just cancel.  Lost and need some help.  Thanks!

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It sounds as if you didn't bother to RTFM—which is the Retrospect Windows 9 User's Guide, or else you wouldn't have "tried copying the folder with all the files to the PC". 

First, assuming your client's external drive is still OK, IMHO you should do the following:  (1) Windows-delete the sub-folder of RDB files you copied from the PC you copied it to.   (2) Retrospect-Forget—per page 433 of the UG— the Retrospect Backup Set you recreated on the PC.  (3) Windows-delete the Retrospect Catalog File you recreated on the PC.

Next, follow the "Recreating a Disk Catalog" procedure on pages 533–535 of the UG to recreate the Catalog for the Backup Set.  Important: You must use precisely the same name for the Backup Set you used before the crash; if you have any doubt any doubt about the name, use Windows File Explorer (whatever it's called now—I haven't used Windows since early 2004) to look at the folder name of the sub-folder on the external drive—the portion of the name following numbers and a dash will be the name of the Backup Set (i.e. if the folder name is "1-Backup Set Whatever", then the name of the Backup Set is "Backup Set Whatever").   If you don't get this right, Retrospect will refuse to use the RDB files to recreate the Catalog File for the Backup Set.

After that, follow the "Restoring In Wizard Mode" procedure on pages 123–131 of the UG.

Finally, follow the "Creating a Retrospect Emergency Recovery Disc" on pages 369—372 of the UG  and "Using the Retrospect Emergency Recovery Disc" procedure through "Planning Ahead" on pages 372–373.  Note that, under "There are two methods for restoring a computer that won’t boot:" on page 369, some Retrospect Inc. lame-brain forgot to revise the second bulleted item from the way it was in the Retrospect Windows 6 UG so that it instead referred to the "Restoring In Wizard Mode" procedure on pages 123–131—that item was deleted for Windows 10 in the Retrospect Windows 16 UG.🙄


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2 hours ago, BillClark22 said:

then trying to recreate the catalog but when navigating to the copied folder, it shows nothing and I have no OK button to click, just cancel.

In addition to David's excellent advice of the whole procedure, let me just add a little piece of advice:

I think you are going one level too deep in the folder structure. You should see the folder containing the RDB files in the list, select it (single-click) and the click OK (not Open).

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