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More than 1 Proactive active at once?

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I have three Proactive scripts defined: FT_FD to backup both our laptops and desktops, JAD-Cloud as a test to backup my laptop to Minio running on one of our Synology units and a regular JAD script to a disk storage set.

In Schedule, I've set both JAD proactive scripts to every 3 hours while the FT_FD script is every 1 day.

For the JAD scripts, my laptop SSD is the only source. For the FT_FD script, there are ~60 sources.  My laptop is not in the source list for the FT_FD script.

Neither of the JAD proactives have executed successfully/completely in the last 7 days (last successful backup was 1 June 2020).

How can I  ensure that my laptop actually gets backed up in a reasonable period?



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Congratulations on providing a shining example of how not to ask for software help.😞 

  • You don't say what version of Retrospect Mac you are currently using.
  • You don't say on which of your machines the "backup server" is running the Proactive scripts; IMHO you'll have trouble if it's your JAD laptop itself.
  • You don't say what versions of macOS the "backup server" machine and your JAD laptop are running.
  • You don't say what changes you made to the setup on 2 June 2020.
  • You don't provide descriptions—screenshots would be better—of Schedule tabs for JAD Proactive scripts; I question your 3-hour-interval Details.

Now that I've raked you over the coals, take a look at the cumulative Retrospect Mac Release Notes—which are sorted in most-recent-version-first sequence.  Version, released 1 May 2020, contains the following entry:


ProactiveAI: Fixed issue where multiple scripts with the same source would hang the discovery process (#8624)

Since this post—which I had to search for—says you're running an earlier version of Retrospect Mac 17, here's where to download the latest version.

P.S.: I'm fairly certain that the change you made to the setup on 2 June 2020 was to create the script JAD-Cloud, thereby activating bug #8624 because there were now two Proactive scripts with the same source—namely your laptop.  That's why saying what change you made is important.  Since you've now gotten around to reading the non-P.S. version of this post, please feel free to either confirm my suspicion or tell me I'm wrong.

Edited by DavidHertzberg
P.S.: I'm fairly certain that the change you made to the setup on 2 June 2020 was to create the script JAD-Cloud, thereby _activating_ bug #8624
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