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Retrospect 15.6 (like so many previous versions) fails on mobile clients

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If you have a mobile client, one that disconnects and reconnects from the LAN (wired) Retro 15.6 will fail when the client returns. It's happened to me twice that Retro doesn't recognize the client when it again plugs in / appears on the network on it's next scheduled backup. The error is "Client unavailable." I believe this to be a long standing issue. The Client in System Preferences seems not to give any bad indications and show status as normal, but it clearly isn't. The symptom is the client is un-recognized when refreshing or locating it, it can be seen after such a failure to run a script. I suspect this is a problem with (Retrospect's) multicast service as compared with Apple's Bonjour service. Even a desktop that has been restarted occasionally fails on multicast (due to sleep recognition issues previously reported). Apparently is still runs backups probably because the last time this happened I located to a fixed address. 

I can report a workaround to this issue which seems to work to recover from the error. Just log out the user and log back in, then launch the Retro app to locate the source client. Retrospect server then recognizes this client on future backup scripts.

Edited by henry-in-florida
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You're 0 for 5 today, so far as providing information is concerned.:rolleyes:

You don't tell us your version of Retrospect Mac, either for the Engine/Console or for the Client.  You don't tell us what version of macOS your "backup server" is running.  You don't tell us what version of macOS your "client computer" is running.  And you don't tell us the Retrospect error number that corresponds to "Client unavailable".

Back in 2015, in the last thread before this one that has "Client unavailable ..." in it, I made a suggestion in this post.  Note that, in the last post of that thread, Don Lee says:


FWIW, I upgraded the engine, console and client on the "problem machine" to today.


We'll see if it keeps failing.

You know why and how to file a Support Request.  You'll have to provide all the information listed in the second paragraph of this post.

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1 hour ago, henry-in-florida said:

Not 0 for 5... If you look at my signature, the machines and the versions are current!

What is this signature you speak of, and how do I look at it?  I've clicked on your picture, and none of that information shows.  In any case, if the purpose of your OP was to actually tell other administrators about a bug—rather than to simply make an unfocused complaint—that information should be up front.B)

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