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Cannot Backup "Program Files" Directory

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Retrospect 9.5 Server on Win7 Pro.

Retrospect is installed on it's own drive, (best practice) ( Not the C:\ System Drive) in the folder "Program Files"

There are also folders for Retrospect Catalogs, Reports, and Resources, plus a bunch of other assorted folders

I have a script to backup the Retrospect Server Volume with a Selector which includes everything except the other assorted folders.

I have just discovered that the "Program Folders" folder is never backed up.

I tried variations of the Selector Explicitly including "Program Files" and Including Windows Special Folders "Program Files" but no matter what I try it will not backup that folder.

I suspect that Retro recognises "Program Files" as being a special Windows Folder, and the Windows Special Folders Selector expects those folder to be on the System Drive.

This could be a major issue as many Server applications are installed on non system Drives in a "Program Files" folder. which could prevent retrospect from properly backing up in these situations.

Any thoughts or ideas?


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In my experience, this is most likely an error in your selector. Even if you include all files (and specific folders) , there is an exclusion that prevents those folder from being backed up.

I would try starting with making a copy of "All files except cache files" and start from there. (And if "All files except cache files does not work "as is", there is another problem.)

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