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creating plain-text report of a catalog or backup session?


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I used to know how to create plain-text reports of all files in a catalog or session (not sure which), because I have a lot of such reports in my Retrospect folder.  But that was 8-10 years ago, and I can't seem to do such reports today.

My retrospect server is on a system running Win 10 64 Pro, but not yet upgraded to 1803.

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You are right about the "ugly" text file.  Previously, I got a nice line-by-line listing of all files, inclujding full path names.  Those earlier text files were probably produced with Retrospect 6.  So, for all the old-timers,  what happened to that nice functionality?



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Hi x509,

It is actually line by line ... but it is a very long line ...  you might need to change the resolution of the screen to see it all in Notepad.

Alternatively ... If you open the .txt file in Excel and choose tab delineated during the import step, you could then clear out all the extra guff in the middle columns within Excel to make better sense of the filenames.




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16 hours ago, Lucky_Phil said:

Hi x509,

It is actually line by line ... but it is a very long line ...  you might need to change the resolution of the screen to see it all in Notepad.

Alternatively ... If you open the .txt file in Excel and choose tab delineated during the import step, you could then clear out all the extra guff in the middle columns within Excel to make better sense of the filenames.





This is a sample line from the txt file, AFTER I imported it into Excel.


With the txt files from Retrospect 6, I was able to do a drag-and-drop right into Excel, widen columns, and have a very useable report.  Too bad Retrospect crippled this feature.

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I'm also using  I would be most happy if you could point out to me what I'm doing wrong.  Also, could you post a snip from one of your txt files with 12.6.

Using these old text files, I kind of like the idea of producing text files for some of my current backups.



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I wish I could point out where the issue is - but I'm just a fellow long-suffering customer of Retrospect ;)

Maybe someone who is expert will jump in with some ideas...


Happy to bung up some screen captures of what I am getting ... also just a quick look at the steps I'm doing in case you are doing something different (though I very much doubt that you are.)


So, a look at the Retrospect screen where I select a session in reports and then File ... Export the backup set to a text file ... a look at the top of that text file ... and how it looks in Excel with a drag and drop ... attached.






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Your report in Excel is exactly what I used to be able to do but forgot and want to do again.

You have definitely taken a different approach than me, but I can't quite reproduce your approach and get the kind of report I need.  I tried to follow your steps, but there is something missing.  First I selected Session Contents from the Reports on the left-bar menu.  This window popped up:


So I selected 2018 PROGRAMS (which is the C: drive on my various systems) and selected one session.


When I do a Print to a TEXT file, I get only a summary of the sessions, and it's in that ugly format with each entry entirely within the first column of the XLS spreadsheet.


If I open up the selected session, I get this window.


But, if I then click on SESSION CONTENTS, this window disappears and I'm back to this window.


So near, but so far.




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On Retrospect 15.1.0 I get the same results (I'm viewing the output in Notepad++ instead of Excel) as Lucky_Phil.

What I did was:

  1. Reports > Session Contents
  2. Select Backup Set then select Session
  3. File menu then Export...
  4. For Select which data to export: choose the Backup Set and click OK
  5. In the Export Sessions dialog enter a filename and click Save
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