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Restore from client restores extra gink?

Don Lee

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Just for grins, I restored a file using the client GUI. This was just a test. I restored to a new folder at the root level of the C drive. (The client does not provide for a "subvolume" def?)


When I did the restore - of a file that was about 8K - it took quite a while. It restored two things in my new folder. One was the file. The second thing was a folder called "Windows" that had several folders in it, and many subfolders. These were apparently "VSS" related.


What's up here? Anyone care to explain what the extra gink was?


When I did the same restore from the server GUI, and used a subvolume for the target, I got just the desired file restored, and it took just the brief time expected.


Also, when I went to the server GUI and tried to define the "new folder" as a subvolume, Retro would NOT do it. It would just ignore me. I could define other folders as subvolumes, but not the folder I had created by the client to act as target for the restore. When I RENAMED the folder, the server GUI let me define it as a subvolume.


What's up here?

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