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Retrospec 8.2 program icon


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I have upgraded to Retrospec 8.2 and the program icon for Retrospec.exe program does not seem to be displayed properly on my Windows 7 PC for the actual .EXE file or when creating a shortcut and you just get a bog standard shell32.dll type program icon. The little red square does appear in the Properties window but thats all.

Any change of fixing this in a future release?


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This behaviour is being caused by the Windows IconCache.db file becoming corrupted. There are two common ways to correct this quoted on the Microsoft forums.


To Reset Icon Cache:

1. Right click on empty area of the desktop and click on Personalize.


2. Click on the Display Properties link.


3. Under Colors, select Medium (16-bit) and click on Apply. Click yes to confirm the new settings.


[NOTE: If you already have Medium (16-bit) selected, then select Highest (32-bit) instead.]


4. Now, select your original setting again and click on OK. Click yes to confirm the new settings.

To Rebuild Icon Cache:

1. From Control Panel open Folder Options and select Show hidden files and folders. Click OK.


2. Open a Windows Explorer window.


3. Go to C:\Users\\AppData\Local


4. Right click on IconCache.db and click on Delete.


5. Click on Yes to confirm the deletion.


[NOTE: This deletes the file to the Recycle Bin. It is safe to empty the Recycle Bin when finished.]


6. Close the window.


7. Empty the Recycle Bin


8. Restart the computer.


9. When you go back, you will notice the Size of the IconCache.db file is smaller, and the Date Modified is now the current date.


[NOTE: If for some reason IconCache.db is not there or the size has not changed much, then just restart the computer again. You may need to restart a couple of times in some cases.]


10. The icon cache has been rebuilt.

Applications that change their folder name but not their application name during an update, such as Retrospect, seem to be most prone to this problem.

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