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Problem with grooming and recreating catalog file

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Using Retrospect 7.6:



When I groom one of my five disk media sets, the grooming itself is fine as data is groomed out. But updating the catalog file fails with error code -2241.


So I have to recreate the catalog file and add the backup set to all scripts again.

But lately, the recatalog fails:



Which snapshot contains the offending file, so I can delete the snapshot?

What can I do to prevent the -2241 error?


Grooming is set to keep the last five backups, if that matters.

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I set up the logging during the last groom. It failed with error -2241.


I don't understand what is is trying to compress as I have turned off compression.



Here's the log:


lmCompress: compressing, size = 136 K, freed = 3 K, count = zero K: 0,000 of 0,0 secs (0,00%) for 0 ops (0,0 uSec/op)

lmCompress: compressing, size = 5 K, freed = zero K, count = zero K: 0,000 of 0,0 secs (0,00%) for 0 ops (0,0 uSec/op)

grxReleaseSession: releasing session 2013-04-17 07:59:11,054 

lmCompress: compressing, size = 69 K, freed = zero K, count = zero K: 0,000 of 0,0 secs (0,00%) for 0 ops (0,0 uSec/op)

lmCompress: compressing, size = 4 K, freed = zero K, count = zero K: 0,000 of 0,0 secs (0,00%) for 0 ops (0,0 uSec/op)

grxLoadSession: loading session 2013-04-17 08:34:35,115 

grxLogFlush: deleting fragments at offset 1 650 976 378 880

TFile::Open: UCreateFile failed, C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Retrospect\3386146613-AC002930.rdb, winerr 2, error -1101

grxRequest: addr = 1 652 699 402 193, processing file 2 934, segment offset: 1 652 699 361 280, segment size 8 839 168

FEncEnd: not started

FEncEnd: not started

FEncEnd: not started

FEncEnd: not started

FEncEnd: not started

FEncEnd: not started

ddskUpdateVol: use disk space = 1 447 403 978 752, used in catalog = 1 151 704 068 396, free on volume = 38 226 231 296

lmCompress: compressing, size = 149 K, freed = 4 K, count = zero K: 0,000 of 0,0 secs (0,00%) for 0 ops (0,0 uSec/op)

lmCompress: compressing, size = 15 K, freed = 1 K, count = zero K: 0,000 of 0,0 secs (0,00%) for 0 ops (0,0 uSec/op)

grxReleaseSession: releasing session 2013-04-17 08:34:35,115 

lmCompress: compressing, size = 80 K, freed = zero K, count = zero K: 0,000 of 0,0 secs (0,00%) for 0 ops (0,0 uSec/op)

lmCompress: compressing, size = 14 K, freed = zero K, count = zero K: 0,000 of 0,0 secs (0,00%) for 0 ops (0,0 uSec/op)

grxLoadSession: loading session 2013-04-17 08:59:18,162 

grxLogFlush: deleting fragments at offset 1 652 699 361 280

TFile::Open: UCreateFile failed, C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Retrospect\3386146613-AC002934.rdb, winerr 2, error -1101

grxRequest: addr = 1 655 808 006 461, processing file 2 941, segment offset: 1 655 807 926 272, segment size 28 827 648

FEncEnd: not started

FEncEnd: not started

FEncEnd: not started

FEncEnd: not started

FEncEnd: not started

FEncEnd: not started

ddskUpdateVol: use disk space = 1 447 403 978 752, used in catalog = 1 151 703 774 710, free on volume = 38 226 231 296

lmCompress: compressing, size = 165 K, freed = 6 K, count = zero K: 0,000 of 0,0 secs (0,00%) for 0 ops (0,0 uSec/op)

lmCompress: compressing, size = 14 K, freed = 1 K, count = zero K: 0,000 of 0,0 secs (0,00%) for 0 ops (0,0 uSec/op)

grxReleaseSession: releasing session 2013-04-17 08:59:18,162 

lmCompress: compressing, size = 95 K, freed = zero K, count = zero K: 0,000 of 0,0 secs (0,00%) for 0 ops (0,0 uSec/op)

lmCompress: compressing, size = 13 K, freed = zero K, count = zero K: 0,000 of 0,0 secs (0,00%) for 0 ops (0,0 uSec/op)

lmCompress: compressing, size = 5 909 K, freed = 16 K, count = 50 K: 0,000 of 0,0 secs (0,00%) for 0 ops (0,0 uSec/op)

grxLoadSession: loading session 2013-04-17 10:05:53,205 

grxLogFlush: deleting fragments at offset 1 655 807 926 272

TFile::Open: UCreateFile failed, C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Retrospect\3386146613-AC002941.rdb, winerr 2, error -1101

grxRequest: addr = 1 658 131 068 716, processing file 2 946, segment offset: 1 658 125 942 784, segment size 5 517 312

FEncEnd: not started

FEncEnd: not started

FEncEnd: not started

FEncEnd: not started

FEncEnd: not started

FEncEnd: not started

ddskUpdateVol: use disk space = 1 447 403 978 752, used in catalog = 1 151 703 248 128, free on volume = 38 226 231 296

lmCompress: compressing, size = 161 K, freed = 5 K, count = zero K: 0,000 of 0,0 secs (0,00%) for 0 ops (0,0 uSec/op)

lmCompress: compressing, size = 14 K, freed = zero K, count = zero K: 0,000 of 0,0 secs (0,00%) for 0 ops (0,0 uSec/op)

grxReleaseSession: releasing session 2013-04-17 10:05:53,205 

lmCompress: compressing, size = 91 K, freed = zero K, count = zero K: 0,000 of 0,0 secs (0,00%) for 0 ops (0,0 uSec/op)

lmCompress: compressing, size = 13 K, freed = zero K, count = zero K: 0,000 of 0,0 secs (0,00%) for 0 ops (0,0 uSec/op)

grxLoadSession: loading session 2013-04-18 07:06:43,077 

grxLogFlush: deleting fragments at offset 1 658 125 942 784

TFile::Open: UCreateFile failed, C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Retrospect\3386146613-AC002946.rdb, winerr 2, error -1101

grxRequest: addr = 1 671 533 909 644, processing file 2 971, segment offset: 1 671 530 926 080, segment size 2 994 176

FEncEnd: not started

FEncEnd: not started

FEncEnd: not started

FEncEnd: not started

FEncEnd: not started

FEncEnd: not started

ddskUpdateVol: use disk space = 1 447 403 978 752, used in catalog = 1 151 703 246 551, free on volume = 38 226 231 296

lmCompress: compressing, size = 119 K, freed = 3 K, count = zero K: 0,000 of 0,0 secs (0,00%) for 0 ops (0,0 uSec/op)

lmCompress: compressing, size = 18 K, freed = zero K, count = zero K: 0,000 of 0,0 secs (0,00%) for 0 ops (0,0 uSec/op)

grxReleaseSession: releasing session 2013-04-18 07:06:43,077 

lmCompress: compressing, size = 52 K, freed = zero K, count = zero K: 0,000 of 0,0 secs (0,00%) for 0 ops (0,0 uSec/op)

lmCompress: compressing, size = 18 K, freed = zero K, count = zero K: 0,000 of 0,0 secs (0,00%) for 0 ops (0,0 uSec/op)

grxLoadSession: loading session 2013-04-18 09:33:37,024 

grxLogFlush: deleting fragments at offset 1 671 530 926 080

TFile::Open: UCreateFile failed, C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Retrospect\3386146613-AC002971.rdb, winerr 2, error -1101

grxRequest: addr = 1 672 181 085 982, processing file 2 972, segment offset: 1 672 160 071 680, segment size 65 363 968

FEncEnd: not started

FEncEnd: not started

FEncEnd: not started

FEncEnd: not started

FEncEnd: not started

FEncEnd: not started

ddskUpdateVol: use disk space = 1 447 403 978 752, used in catalog = 1 151 703 243 541, free on volume = 38 226 231 296

grxLogFlush: deleting fragments at offset 1 672 160 071 680

TFile::Open: UCreateFile failed, C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Retrospect\3386146613-AC002972.rdb, winerr 2, error -1101

grxRequest: addr = 1 673 625 233 532, processing file 2 975, segment offset: 1 673 625 038 848, segment size 25 858 048

FEncEnd: not started

FEncEnd: not started

FEncEnd: not started

FEncEnd: not started

FEncEnd: not started

FEncEnd: not started

ddskUpdateVol: use disk space = 1 447 403 978 752, used in catalog = 1 151 703 223 430, free on volume = 38 226 231 296

lmCompress: compressing, size = 138 K, freed = 3 K, count = zero K: 0,000 of 0,0 secs (0,00%) for 0 ops (0,0 uSec/op)

lmCompress: compressing, size = 13 K, freed = zero K, count = zero K: 0,000 of 0,0 secs (0,00%) for 0 ops (0,0 uSec/op)

grxReleaseSession: releasing session 2013-04-18 09:33:37,024 

lmCompress: compressing, size = 70 K, freed = zero K, count = zero K: 0,000 of 0,0 secs (0,00%) for 0 ops (0,0 uSec/op)

lmCompress: compressing, size = 12 K, freed = zero K, count = zero K: 0,000 of 0,0 secs (0,00%) for 0 ops (0,0 uSec/op)

grxLoadSession: loading session 2013-04-18 09:59:04,005 

grxLogFlush: deleting fragments at offset 1 673 625 038 848

TFile::Open: UCreateFile failed, C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Retrospect\3386146613-AC002975.rdb, winerr 2, error -1101

grxRequest: addr = 1 677 656 883 268, processing file 2 984, segment offset: 1 677 650 497 536, segment size 214 044 672

FEncEnd: not started

FEncEnd: not started

FEncEnd: not started

FEncEnd: not started

FEncEnd: not started

FEncEnd: not started

ddskUpdateVol: use disk space = 1 447 403 978 752, used in catalog = 1 151 702 870 044, free on volume = 38 226 231 296

lmCompress: compressing, size = 249 K, freed = 11 K, count = zero K: 0,000 of 0,0 secs (0,00%) for 0 ops (0,0 uSec/op)

lmCompress: compressing, size = 23 K, freed = 2 K, count = zero K: 0,000 of 0,0 secs (0,00%) for 0 ops (0,0 uSec/op)

grxReleaseSession: releasing session 2013-04-18 09:59:04,005 

lmCompress: compressing, size = 174 K, freed = zero K, count = zero K: 0,000 of 0,0 secs (0,00%) for 0 ops (0,0 uSec/op)

lmCompress: compressing, size = 21 K, freed = zero K, count = zero K: 0,000 of 0,0 secs (0,00%) for 0 ops (0,0 uSec/op)

grxLoadSession: loading session 2013-04-18 11:01:17,221 

grxLogFlush: deleting fragments at offset 1 677 650 497 536

TFile::Open: UCreateFile failed, C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Retrospect\3386146613-AC002984.rdb, winerr 2, error -1101

grxRequest: addr = 1 692 741 850 050, processing file 3 012, segment offset: 1 692 702 486 528, segment size 69 664 768

FEncEnd: not started

FEncEnd: not started

FEncEnd: not started

FEncEnd: not started

FEncEnd: not started

FEncEnd: not started

ddskUpdateVol: use disk space = 1 447 403 978 752, used in catalog = 1 151 669 445 051, free on volume = 38 226 231 296

lmCompress: compressing, size = 179 K, freed = 6 K, count = zero K: 0,000 of 0,0 secs (0,00%) for 0 ops (0,0 uSec/op)

lmCompress: compressing, size = 42 K, freed = 4 K, count = zero K: 0,000 of 0,0 secs (0,00%) for 0 ops (0,0 uSec/op)

grxReleaseSession: releasing session 2013-04-18 11:01:17,221 

lmCompress: compressing, size = 108 K, freed = zero K, count = zero K: 0,000 of 0,0 secs (0,00%) for 0 ops (0,0 uSec/op)

lmCompress: compressing, size = 38 K, freed = zero K, count = zero K: 0,000 of 0,0 secs (0,00%) for 0 ops (0,0 uSec/op)

grxLoadSession: loading session 2013-04-19 08:36:14,011 

grxLogFlush: deleting fragments at offset 1 692 702 486 528

TFile::Open: UCreateFile failed, C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Retrospect\3386146613-AC003012.rdb, winerr 2, error -1101

grxRequest: addr = 1 706 241 361 642, processing file 3 037, segment offset: 1 706 224 242 688, segment size 96 698 368

FEncEnd: not started

FEncEnd: not started

FEncEnd: not started

FEncEnd: not started

FEncEnd: not started

FEncEnd: not started

ddskUpdateVol: use disk space = 1 447 403 978 752, used in catalog = 1 151 669 073 275, free on volume = 38 226 231 296

lmCompress: compressing, size = 184 K, freed = 7 K, count = zero K: 0,000 of 0,0 secs (0,00%) for 0 ops (0,0 uSec/op)

lmCompress: compressing, size = 18 K, freed = 2 K, count = zero K: 0,000 of 0,0 secs (0,00%) for 0 ops (0,0 uSec/op)

grxReleaseSession: releasing session 2013-04-19 08:36:14,011 

lmCompress: compressing, size = 113 K, freed = zero K, count = zero K: 0,000 of 0,0 secs (0,00%) for 0 ops (0,0 uSec/op)

lmCompress: compressing, size = 16 K, freed = zero K, count = zero K: 0,000 of 0,0 secs (0,00%) for 0 ops (0,0 uSec/op)

grxLoadSession: loading session 2013-04-19 10:36:16,212 

grxLogFlush: deleting fragments at offset 1 706 224 242 688

TFile::Open: UCreateFile failed, C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Retrospect\3386146613-AC003037.rdb, winerr 2, error -1101

lmCompress: compressing, size = 12 K, freed = 2 K, count = zero K: 0,000 of 0,0 secs (0,00%) for 0 ops (0,0 uSec/op)

grxRequest: addr = 1 707 153 466 482, processing file 3 040, segment offset: 1 707 153 436 672, segment size 6 004 736

FEncEnd: not started

FEncEnd: not started

FEncEnd: not started

FEncEnd: not started

FEncEnd: not started

FEncEnd: not started

ddskUpdateVol: use disk space = 1 447 403 978 752, used in catalog = 1 151 591 279 197, free on volume = 38 226 231 296

lmCompress: compressing, size = 140 K, freed = 4 K, count = zero K: 0,000 of 0,0 secs (0,00%) for 0 ops (0,0 uSec/op)

lmCompress: compressing, size = 73 K, freed = 1 K, count = zero K: 0,000 of 0,0 secs (0,00%) for 0 ops (0,0 uSec/op)

grxReleaseSession: releasing session 2013-04-19 10:36:16,212 

lmCompress: compressing, size = 72 K, freed = zero K, count = zero K: 0,000 of 0,0 secs (0,00%) for 0 ops (0,0 uSec/op)

lmCompress: compressing, size = 8 K, freed = zero K, count = zero K: 0,000 of 0,0 secs (0,00%) for 0 ops (0,0 uSec/op)

grxLoadSession: loading session 2013-04-19 11:03:32,095 

grxLogFlush: deleting fragments at offset 1 707 153 436 672

TFile::Open: UCreateFile failed, C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Retrospect\3386146613-AC003040.rdb, winerr 2, error -1101

grxRequest: addr = 1 708 411 731 184, processing file 3 042, segment offset: 1 708 411 727 872, segment size 45 862 912

FEncEnd: not started

FEncEnd: not started

FEncEnd: not started

FEncEnd: not started

FEncEnd: not started

FEncEnd: not started

ddskUpdateVol: use disk space = 1 447 403 978 752, used in catalog = 1 151 591 273 808, free on volume = 38 226 231 296

grxLogFlush: deleting segment at offset 1 708 411 727 872

TFile::Open: UCreateFile failed, G:\Retrospect\WinNotebooks\1-WinNotebooks\execinfo.dat, winerr 2, error -1101

grxRequest: addr = 1 708 457 590 784, processing file 3 044, segment offset: 1 708 871 069 696, segment size 78 729 216

FEncEnd: not started

FEncEnd: not started

FEncEnd: not started

FEncEnd: not started

FEncEnd: not started

FEncEnd: not started

ddskUpdateVol: use disk space = 1 447 403 978 752, used in catalog = 1 151 545 410 896, free on volume = 38 226 231 296

grxLogFlush: done with all segments for this session

grxRequest: addr = 1 708 871 089 384, processing file 3 044, segment offset: 1 708 871 069 696, segment size 78 729 216

FEncEnd: not started

FEncEnd: not started

FEncEnd: not started

FEncEnd: not started

FEncEnd: not started

FEncEnd: not started

ddskUpdateVol: use disk space = 1 447 403 978 752, used in catalog = 1 151 545 410 896, free on volume = 38 226 231 296

lmCompress: compressing, size = 110 K, freed = 2 K, count = zero K: 0,000 of 0,0 secs (0,00%) for 0 ops (0,0 uSec/op)

lmCompress: compressing, size = 26 K, freed = 2 K, count = zero K: 0,000 of 0,0 secs (0,00%) for 0 ops (0,0 uSec/op)

grxReleaseSession: releasing session 2013-04-19 11:03:32,095 

lmCompress: compressing, size = 43 K, freed = zero K, count = zero K: 0,000 of 0,0 secs (0,00%) for 0 ops (0,0 uSec/op)

lmCompress: compressing, size = 24 K, freed = zero K, count = zero K: 0,000 of 0,0 secs (0,00%) for 0 ops (0,0 uSec/op)

grxLoadSession: loading session 2013-04-19 11:34:26,202 

grxLogFlush: deleting fragments at offset 1 708 871 069 696

TFile::Open: UCreateFile failed, C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Retrospect\3386146613-AC003044.rdb, winerr 2, error -1101

lmCompress: compressing, size = 6 K, freed = 1 K, count = zero K: 0,000 of 0,0 secs (0,00%) for 0 ops (0,0 uSec/op)

grxRequest: addr = 1 709 500 579 250, processing file 3 045, segment offset: 1 709 500 215 296, segment size 843 776

FEncEnd: not started

FEncEnd: not started

FEncEnd: not started

FEncEnd: not started

FEncEnd: not started

FEncEnd: not started

ddskUpdateVol: use disk space = 1 447 403 978 752, used in catalog = 1 151 467 691 969, free on volume = 38 226 231 296

grxLogFlush: deleting fragments at offset 1 709 500 215 296

TFile::Open: UCreateFile failed, C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Retrospect\3386146613-AC003045.rdb, winerr 2, error -1101

grxRequest: addr = 1 721 942 667 645, processing file 3 066, segment offset: 1 721 941 635 072, segment size 1 617 920

FEncEnd: not started

FEncEnd: not started

FEncEnd: not started

FEncEnd: not started

FEncEnd: not started

FEncEnd: not started

ddskUpdateVol: use disk space = 1 447 403 978 752, used in catalog = 1 151 467 690 326, free on volume = 38 226 231 296

lmCompress: compressing, size = 119 K, freed = 3 K, count = zero K: 0,000 of 0,0 secs (0,00%) for 0 ops (0,0 uSec/op)

lmCompress: compressing, size = 69 K, freed = zero K, count = zero K: 0,000 of 0,0 secs (0,00%) for 0 ops (0,0 uSec/op)

grxReleaseSession: releasing session 2013-04-19 11:34:26,202 

lmCompress: compressing, size = 52 K, freed = zero K, count = zero K: 0,000 of 0,0 secs (0,00%) for 0 ops (0,0 uSec/op)

lmCompress: compressing, size = 4 K, freed = zero K, count = zero K: 0,000 of 0,0 secs (0,00%) for 0 ops (0,0 uSec/op)

grxLoadSession: loading session 2013-04-19 15:49:08,198 

grxLogFlush: deleting fragments at offset 1 721 941 635 072

TFile::Open: UCreateFile failed, C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Retrospect\3386146613-AC003066.rdb, winerr 2, error -1101

grxRequest: addr = 1 731 885 304 268, processing file 3 082, segment offset: 1 731 885 301 978, segment size 629 145 600

FEncEnd: not started

FEncEnd: not started

FEncEnd: not started

FEncEnd: not started

FEncEnd: not started

FEncEnd: not started

ddskUpdateVol: use disk space = 1 447 403 978 752, used in catalog = 1 151 467 112 124, free on volume = 38 226 231 296

lmCompress: compressing, size = 601 K, freed = 23 K, count = 1 K: 0,000 of 0,0 secs (0,00%) for 0 ops (0,0 uSec/op)

lmCompress: compressing, size = 510 K, freed = 4 K, count = 2 K: 0,000 of 0,0 secs (0,00%) for 0 ops (0,0 uSec/op)

grxReleaseSession: releasing session 2013-04-19 15:49:08,198 

lmCompress: compressing, size = 514 K, freed = zero K, count = 1 K: 0,000 of 0,0 secs (0,00%) for 0 ops (0,0 uSec/op)

lmCompress: compressing, size = 506 K, freed = zero K, count = 2 K: 0,000 of 0,0 secs (0,00%) for 0 ops (0,0 uSec/op)

grxLoadSession: loading session 2013-04-22 07:08:20,244 

grxLogFlush: deleting fragments at offset 1 731 885 301 978

grxLogFlush: found segment that was not groomed, error -1 (unknown), stop flush

grxLogFlush: processed transactions 16 308, total transactions 180 311

lmCompress: compressing, size = 119 K, freed = 2 K, count = zero K: 0,000 of 0,0 secs (0,00%) for 0 ops (0,0 uSec/op)

lmCompress: compressing, size = 102 K, freed = zero K, count = zero K: 0,000 of 0,0 secs (0,00%) for 0 ops (0,0 uSec/op)

grxReleaseSession: releasing session 2013-04-22 07:08:20,244 

lmCompress: compressing, size = 52 K, freed = zero K, count = zero K: 0,000 of 0,0 secs (0,00%) for 0 ops (0,0 uSec/op)

lmCompress: compressing, size = 102 K, freed = zero K, count = zero K: 0,000 of 0,0 secs (0,00%) for 0 ops (0,0 uSec/op)

grxLogFlush: done flushing, result = 0

lmCompress: compressing, size = 5 909 K, freed = 9 K, count = 50 K: 0,015 of 0,0 secs (100,00%) for 1 ops (15 000,0 uSec/op)

lmCompress: compressing, size = 5 890 K, freed = zero K, count = 50 K: 0,000 of 0,0 secs (0,00%) for 0 ops (0,0 uSec/op)

grxLogFlush: saving catalog, result = 0

grxLogFlush: done flushing

TTicker::GetMS: note that TTicker('') has exceeded 1 hour

lmCompress: compressing, size = 6 824 K, freed = 198 K, count = 82 K: 0,016 of 0,0 secs (100,00%) for 1 ops (16 000,0 uSec/op)

Groomed 7,4 GB from Backup Set WinNotebooks.

enotProgEvent: 'MaiS'= 1, msg = Groomed 7,4 GB from Backup Set WinNotebooks.

grxLogFlush: saving snapshot: 0,000 of 0,0 secs (0,00%) for 0 ops (0,0 uSec/op)

grxLogFlush: loading snapshot: 0,000 of 0,0 secs (0,00%) for 0 ops (0,0 uSec/op)

grxLogFlush: updating snapshots: 0,000 of 0,0 secs (0,00%) for 0 ops (0,0 uSec/op)

lmCompress: compressing, size = 5 890 K, freed = zero K, count = 50 K: 0,000 of 0,0 secs (0,00%) for 0 ops (0,0 uSec/op)

lmCompress: compressing, size = 5 890 K, freed = zero K, count = 50 K: 0,000 of 0,0 secs (0,00%) for 0 ops (0,0 uSec/op)

enotProgEvent: 'MaiS'= 1, msg = Grooming Backup Set WinNotebooks failed, error -2241 (Catalog File invalid/damaged)

Grooming Backup Set WinNotebooks failed, error -2241 (Catalog File invalid/damaged)

You must recreate the Backup Set's Catalog File.

See the Retrospect User's Guide or online help for details on recreating Catalog Files.

enotProgEvent: 'MaiS'= 1, msg = Grooming Backup Set WinNotebooks failed, error -2241 (Catalog File invalid/damaged)

lmCompress: compressing, size = 5 890 K, freed = zero K, count = 50 K: 0,000 of 0,0 secs (0,00%) for 0 ops (0,0 uSec/op)

lmCompress: compressing, size = 5 890 K, freed = zero K, count = 50 K: 0,000 of 0,0 secs (0,00%) for 0 ops (0,0 uSec/op)

2013-05-21 15:01:25: Execution incomplete

Duration: 00:54:29 (00:01:06 idle/loading/preparing)

enotProgEvent: 'MaiS'= 1, msg = Script "Grooming" incomplete

exgrEnd: compressing catalog: 0,000 of 0,0 secs (0,00%) for 0 ops (0,0 uSec/op)
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TFile::Open: UCreateFile failed, C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Retrospect\3386146613-AC002930.rdb, winerr 2, error -1101


I don't understand what most of the log entries mean but these file errors stand out.


From my observations of Retrospect when it is grooming an .rdb file it first makes a working copy of the .rdb file locally before grooming out the removed files then writing this modified file back to its original location.


This error message would suggest that Retrospect is having trouble creating this working copy. The Retrospect error -1101 is file/directory not found.


Just to eliminate the obvious, is there plenty of free space on the C: drive? (And if quotas are in operation does the Retrospect user's quota have ample free space.) I have observed the catalog file grow dramatically in size during grooming and once a groom fail due to insufficient free disk space with the result the catalog file became corrupted and had to be rebuilt.

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Thanks for replying.


There is 190GB free on C:

The catalog file is on E: which has 335GB free.


The rdb files are on G: which only has 22GB free, since grooming (apparently) has failed the last few weeks.

During grooming, Retrospect says grooming segment xxx of yyyy. But it looks like it doesn't really groom any data.

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I decided to bite the bullet and did a recycle. With only 22GB free and no ability to groom, it's a disaster just waiting to happen.


It will take a few days to fully backup all the clients again. (These are laptops and normally only available during working hours.)

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These figures would seem to rule out a lack of free space being the problem.


Retrospect's Grooming sequence for you configuration would be to copy the .rdb file to be groomed from G: to C:, groom out redundant file data, write the groomed .rdb file back to G: then update the catalog file on E:


My next line of investigation would be to try a find out why Retrospect is apparently having problems trying to create files in the "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Retrospect\" folder.


Is it possible to restart the machine that Retrospect is running on? I have had occasions where Windows has blocked my access to folders for which I have access rights which a restart has fixed. Also check that the access permissions have not been changed for this folder.

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Retrospect can groom all other disk backup sets just fine. It is only this one that has problems. So I must conclude it's the contents of that backup set that causes the problem.


And I see these errors just because I turned up the logging levels. See the screen shot in my first post for the "normal" log. No file errors. Everything seems normal and then error -2241 out of the blue.


I have restarted the server (for other reasons) but it (apparently) didn't help.

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