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Exabyte Vxa-Pocket Loader Issue

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Can someone help me with an issue of Retrospect 8.2 on Mac 10.5.8 trying to backup to a Exabyte VXA Packet loader.

( Sorry for the type-o in the header.)


Retrospect sees the device, lets me erase the tapes, one by one. When I attempt to write data to the tapes it always give me a flashing question mark, select media. When I select one of the tapes it just keeps flashing...needs media.


I even used the backup assistant and it added each tape as a member of the media set, 9 members. I say backup and it keeps saying needs media.


Does this device need the advanced drive add on? If so, O.K. but why would it see tapes / Erase them but not write to them?


If It's something I'm doing wrong, please let me know, but I've been working with 8.2 on other machines and backup devices and I haven't had these issues.



Edited by Rhegyi
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