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Restore Drive.iso too large for a CD


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This is probably a basic question, but I don't see an obvious fix:


Using Retrospect 5.6 with a new Windows XP machine, the Restore Drive C.iso file is over 700MB which means it can't be burned onto a CD-R as suggested by the disaster recovery wizard. Undoubtably much of that information in the file is less critical, but I don't see any settings for creating that file with less information. Any ideas?


Thanks in advance,


Eric Pederson

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  • 11 months later...

It sounds like you're trying to burn the ISO *to* a CDR as a data file (i.e. by Adding or dragging it into your CDR program's window). This isn't the way to do this.




An ISO is a file representation of CDR and may be a smaller or a bit bigger than the actual CD. You need to use a program (I use Nero) that will use this file as a source of burning the entire CDR. In Nero this is from a "Burn Image..." menu command. Other programs may refer to this as "Burn from File..." or something similar.



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