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Cannot restore


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Hello Sergio da Silva,


It seems that the catalog file is corrupt. The catalog file can be rebuilt. Please try the following:


1. Make sure Retrospect Express HD is shut down. This is accomplished by making sure the main interface is closed and also the "red square" on the systray (bottom right hand corner of your screen) has been exited (right click on the red square and click on exit).


2. Locate the "Retrospect Restore Point" folder on the root of the Maxtor HD.


3. When you open the "Retrospect Restore Point" folder, you should see two items. The first item is the "Retrospect" folder, leave this folder alone. The second item you will see is a file called "RestorePoint.rbc". This file is the Retrospect catalog file. Please move the catalog file to another location on your PC (ie: Desktop).


4. Startup Retrospect Express HD. You will then see a message in the status window, "Backup maintenance in progress... this may take a while." Do NOT stop this process because it is rebuilding the catalog file. As soon as the catalog is completely rebuilt, the status window will return to normal. At this point please try again at restoring your data files.



Hope this helps!


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