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Can't access OS 9 client from Tiger Server

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When trying to set up to back up a particular OS 9 client (iMac G3, 9.2.2), the client seems to respond from the "Network" button, but when I try to log the client in I receive a 541 (client not installed or not running) error.


The Retrospect Client control panel on the client looks fine.


Another OS 9 machine (G4, 9.2.2) on the same network configures fine.



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Hi Mark,


make sure the 9.2.2 machine is running the latest version of the client, 5.1.157. check to make sure the status is either 'ready' or 'waiting for first access'. can you ping the client or access it via filesharing? see the post here for advice on portscanning the client:




if that does not work, try reinstalling the client.

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Definitely running the latest client, and status is "Ready".


Client is pingable, and otherwise accessible - in fact, the "Configure clients" panel on the server sees the computer - it's just it claims that what it sees isn't there.


Thanks, though.

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> the "Configure clients" panel on the server sees the computer


The "Client Configuration" window is only available for clients that have been logged in, yet you report that you get an error when you attempt to log in.


Can you provide step-by-step exactly what you're doing, and what you see when you do it?


Client version is unimportant; the OS 9 control panel software remains unchanged, other then its version info and the removal of AppleTalk, since version 4.3.

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