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Can't Backup to CDR more than one time


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Using Retrospect version 6.5.336 on Windows NT 4.0. Using 700MB CDRs. Have a backup job that is approximately 225MB. We use a separate CDR for each day of the week. The backup fails once it has completed a backup job for each day. So basically we have to use a new CDR for everyday when we should be able to do it at least twice per CDR. I think we used CDRWs and it works ok.


Tested using Immediate Backup and can only do that one time as well. Why can we only backup to CDR one time?



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What kind of CD drive do you have?

Please go to Configure > Devices > Environment tab and list the entire line regarding your CD drive including ID, Vendor, Product, Version and Driver.


Also, what kind of error are you getting when the backup fails?

You can go to Reports > Operations Log to get the details.


Also you may want to update your version to 6.5.350 and get RDU 5.4 from the following link:


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