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Can't backup anymore !!!


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I'm writing for the first time on this forum.


I have a Maxtor One Touch external hard drive. I've programmed it to do a total bacup of my C: hard drive every saturday. It worked perfectly for about two months. Yesterday, it failed. I can't understand why.


In the Help, it says when the hard drive is full, it deletes the oldest backup, to make place for the most recent one.


I use Retrospect Express 6.0.


Any idea anyone ? Thanks

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I guess I should add more details.


When it failed, it gave me an error message. It was about 15 lines long, and I couldn't understand a word. I closed it.


This afternoon, I tried doing a manual backup. It failed because the Maxtor is full.


Should I format the Maxtor and start from the beginning ?


My OS is Windows XP Pro.



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Express 6.0 does not delete old backups. That feature is limited to Retrospect Express HD or Retrospect 7.0.


You need to run a "recycle" backup to clear out all of your old backup data and start from scratch. To do this, run a backup from the "backup" menu and select "recycle backup" in the backup options.




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