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Retrospect 7.0: Disaster Recovery Creation Errors


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I'm encountering three problems trying to create a DR image with Retrospect v7.0 and would appreciate any comments. I tried calling Tech Supp, but there's a two-hour wait!!!




1. When trying to create the DR image ISO file to DVD I get the following:




"You do not have permission to save in this directory. See the administrator to obtain permission."




I am the Administrator.




2. When trying to create the image ISO file to HD I get the following:




"The Windows installation SW you have chosen would cause the final Disaster Recovery CD-R disc image to be over 650 MB which cannot be burned by most applications."




First, the CD-R message is erroneous since I'm going to burn the image to a double-layer DVD. Second, the hard disk has more than sufficient space for the image file. Third, regardless of the two points, Retrospect should not terminate with an error. The message sounds more like a warning than a fatal error.




3. I know this sounds really crazy, but it's true. After configuring Retrospect 7.0 to use my Phillips DVD drive (Drive E), I now have a new device configured on my computer: "Removable Disk F." I see it in My Computer and Windows Explorer, but not in the Device Manager. What the heck is this???




Steve frown.gif

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I had the same problem with the size of the CD-R disk image.




In my case, at least, the problem was caused by my attempting to use the I386 folder on my hard drive when I got to that part of the Disaster Recovery Wizard program that calls for accessing the txtsetup.sif file. When, instead, I switched to using the Microsoft XP installation disk (that is, I found the I386 folder on the disk, and clicked on txtsetup.sif), everything went according to plan, i.e., the wizard created the CR-R disk image and put it in the My Documents folder, ready for burning onto a CD.




Hope this helps.

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