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Retrospect Express HD Help with Comparison Error


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Hi, I have the Maxtor External One Touch II (300 GB), which comes with Retrospect Express HD --> and I'm consistently getting the same comparison errors (copied and pasted below). I have two hard drives, and the exact same error for the exact same files occurs on both drives. There's nothing wrong with the files. Can somone please help me figure out what the error is and how to stop it? Thank you.





  12/31/2004 1:36:04 AM: Copying Local Disk (D:)


12/31/2004 1:44:50 AM: Snapshot stored, 22.2 MB


12/31/2004 1:44:54 AM: Comparing Local Disk (D:)


File "D:\Documents and Settings\xxx\Personal\My Pictures\SiPix Pictures July 2002\Jul02109.JPG": didn't compare at offset 128 in stream ":Q30lsldxJoudresxAaaqpcawXc:DATA"


File "D:\Documents and Settings\xxx\Personal\xxxxxx net\main\photoalbums\thezoo\images\img016.jpg": didn't compare at offset 128 in stream ":Q30lsldxJoudresxAaaqpcawXc:DATA"


12/31/2004 1:44:57 AM: 2 execution errors


Completed: 2 files, 192 KB


Performance: 22.5 MB/minute (11.2 copy, 11.2 compare)


Duration: 00:08:52 (00:08:51 idle/loading/preparing)

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