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Backup Time


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I'm using restrospect 6.5 , its woking fine,

I will backup approximately 20Gb of data daily to a tape / disk (both),

My problem is backup takes long time over a period of time( after rebooting of my server its backups data in 3 1/2 hrs and after 12 days it took 7 hours to backup same data)

Is it problem with any temp files?disk space? memory?

Does any one had same problem before?

Pl mail me any suggestions.





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Hi Nate,


We backup locally to Tape and also to Network attachage storage device.

Performance statistics after reboot the machine:


Performance : 125 mb/min

Elapsed time : 3hrs:.30 min


Network Device

Performance : 145 mb/min

Elapsed time : 3hrs:10 min.


After 12 days the the performance statistics are:


Performance : 125 mb/min

Elapsed time : 7hrs:.25 min


Network Device

Performance : 145 mb/min

Elapsed time : 7hrs:15 min.


Then next day display errors - 1019(not enough resources) on each folder we back up.



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This indicates that the snapshot creation is taking a lot longer than it used to. How many files and folders are on the source volume? How much memory is on the machine running Retrospect? How much free space is on the C drive of the machine running Retrospect?




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  • 2 weeks later...

As I mentioned earlier we back up to tape and Network device,

Tape backup run successfully,


But Network device back up came up with following errors


Can't use open file bacvkup for file name( for all 16 files) Error: - 3047(Disk Inactivity Thresold not met), I decreased the settings of thresold limit to 2300. but still came up with same errors.


Machine memory in 2 GB.

Free Space on C: Drive is 2 GB.

Free space on D: drive is 9 GB.




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