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Recover retrospect files from DLT

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First, yes I was stupid. Hopefully someone out there has heard of this and might know a solution. I have a set of 11 DLTs all part of one long backup. Thinking we were done with this project (a year later) I did a smaller 2 DLT backup on a fresh DLT and number 3 of the 11 set. The backup only put 3 gigs on the second DLT (number 3 of the 11). Now it appears we might need some files from #3 of the 11 set. Is there any way to get back the un-written- over files on that DLT? If I do a re-construct of that DLT it recognizes the second half of the newer back up only. How can I get Retrospect (or something else) to look at the rest of the DLT?


It's Retrospect 4 on a Mac 9600 OS 8.

Thanks in advance to anyone who might have an idea.


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