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"Can't grant user nescessary privileges." - Error when trying to back up.


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I am attempting to set up my computer to be backed up with Retrospect 6.5 Pro. I have Windows XP Pro SP2.


The problem that I am encountering is that Retrospect won't back up everyone else's files. I have tried running Retrospect under accounts with Administrative and Backup Operator Rights but haven't had any success. I recieve errors when trying to execute a backup.


"Can't grant user nescessary privileges."


That is all that I see. Is there any way around this. I am willing to give the User account that does the backups whatever privileges are nescessary.


Please reply with any suggestions.

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So to clarify, Retrospect is giving this errors for files on the local machine? f so I would do a full uninstall and resinstall of Retrospect while logged in as the admistrator. If that still doesn't work you likely have some problems with permissions in windows



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