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Error: Container Exchange Mailboxes was empty (had no volumes)


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Hello everyone




My problem is that I have been trying unsuccessfully to backup each mailbox of my exchange server. I have processed as follow:


I edit my script, Click Sources , Click Add, Select the Exchange Mailboxes, Click Mailboxes, Select only mailbox that I want to be remembered, Click OK three times.


As result I have in the sources section Exchange Mailboxes .




The script is valid. When I run the script either immediately or by scheduling, I received this message in the log * Container Exchange Mailboxes was empty (had no volumes) and the content of the mailboxes is not backed up.




I tried to remove the Exchange Mailboxes from my script then save it and then add again. Also I redid the remembered mailboxes and I still got the same error.




I know communication with the client works because I can backup the storage group or any files without problem. Also, I don't think it is a permission issue because I can see all the mailboxes, and I can browse in each mailboxes.




Does anyone know how to solve this problem?




The setup is:


Exchagne 2000 (sp3) on Win2k(sp4) with Retrospect client 6.5.132


The backup server: Win2k sp4 Retrospect Multi server 6.5.336


Backup set is a local disk to the backup server


For security I'm using a dedicated account with the right permission (Domain Users, Administrators, Domain admins and backup operator). I also created a mailbox for that user.




Many thanks




Martin Moriarty Proulx



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I think this may be a known issue that choosing only the mailbox container as a source can cause problems. Try adding one other small subfolder to your backup sources- the backup should run properly then.


If the problems continue contact Dantz Technical support



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