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Any issues w/Redhat 7.0 (Guinness)?

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Hi all,

I realize that Dantz does not officially support RH 7.0, but has anyone tried to use the client on that RH release? Are there any issues to be aware of? Does it work? I have a production machine which I need to make a part of the active backups, but it is running RH 7.0 and I'd like to avoid an OS upgrade at the moment if at all possible.



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Update for any who care:


After installing a test RH7.0 machine and the client without problems I found that backups and restores worked fine (for my limited testing i.e. low load on the machine, few processes running, few open files, no databases, etc). The only issue I found was that if I were to cancel a running backup process from the server the client(s) appeared to "crash" and all future connect attempts from the server failed with "client not found" errors. Still debating whether to cross my fingers and go for it on a live machine...



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