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On several systems running the Retrospect 5 (release) OS X client, I've noticed that there are substantial delays when logging out.




Turning off the Retrospect client does not fix the problem, but killing the pitond process does.


(Can be killed either via the Terminal or by Command-Clicking the off button in the client).




I have rebooted all machines since installing the client, so the pitond is being started at boot


time and is not in any way attached to the desktop. Normally the desktop shouldn't see a background daemon, but I'm guessing that the pitond is registering for some desktop service and thus confusing the system into thinking it's a foreground app.




Has anyone else seen this logout delay? More importantly, is there anyone running the client who does NOT have this problem?




Configurations I have:




OS X 10.1.3 PowerMac QuickSilver G4/733


OS X 10.1.3 PowerBook Pismo G3/400


OS X 10.1.3 PowerMac Sawtooth G4/400



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Nope, classic is not running. I do not have classic set to start automatically as this used to cause Bad Things to happen. I only installed the OS X Client.




I am aware that there are numerous other things that can cause logout delays (classic, palm desktop, apple share, some terminal apps, some installers, etc.), but in this case (the systems I described previously) pitond seems to be the determining factor. When it's running, the delay exists. Kill it, and the delay goes away.



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