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Express HD 2.5 crashing and restore points losting


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I'm using Express HD 2.5 on a XP SP3 client, with an IOMEGA Storcenter IX2. It has normally worked for 2 months with a weekly backup. Suddenly it failed a backup, and also forcing it manually it doesn't work. All the restore points are not visible anymore. Probably it happened after a crash of PC during a backup, but I hope that it is not enough to cause this situation ! This is the message error ( in italian, I hope it's clear in any case):

"Backup normale in uso DirectBackup su 03/06/2010 10.22

Impossibile accedere al set di backup PCVALE3, errore -645 (file blocco danneggiato durante il salvataggio)

03/06/2010 10.22.26: Esecuzione incompleta


Can anyone help me ?


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Thanks for the reply.

I tried with chdksk but it doesn't work on a network device ( the restore area in on an IOMEGA NAS Storcenter ).

I also forgot to specify that I'm using 2 disks on the Storcenter, with mirroring (so I suppose a disk problem should has been recovered).

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If the setup is true mirroring and not a RAID setup then you could try swapping the disks around so that the second of the pair becomes the first of the pair. You can also try replacing the first one with a new drive and let the mirror get rebuilt. If the backup works after swapping the disks then you know that first disk had a bad block. If you are very careful when doing the swap you should not lose any data.

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