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Can anyone successfully Restore files

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I have been backing up all computers on the netowrk for afew weeks thinking everything was sweet, until I needed to restore a file back off the backup. I keep getting an error. the backup looks like it works everytime and I can find the file when I search for it but the files never make it to the destination dik. I have tried quite few different destination disks but it still doesn't work.


The engine and console are running on different computers. This works fine for the backup. Could that be a problem when restoring?


This is the error the log gives me


!Trouble reading: "1-Retrospect RESTORES FILES" (0), error 4499324 ( unknown)

5/18/2010 1:07:26 PM: 1 execution errors

Remaining: 1 files, 336 KB

Completed: 0 files, zero KB

Performance: 0.0 MB/minute

Duration: 00:04:57 (00:04:56 idle/loading/preparing)


Any ideas?

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What if you try restoring the files to the machine running the Engine?



"Trouble Reading" indicates (I believe) that the problem may be with the media set -- you might try rebuilding the catalog file to see if that action generates any errors with your set.

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I have been backing up all computers on the netowrk for afew weeks thinking everything was sweet

These weeks were part of your testing and qualification phase of deploying Retrospect 8, yes? You weren't backing up valuable user data without having done testing to confirm that Restores worked as expected, were you?


the backup looks like it works everytime and I can find the file when I search for it but the files never make it to the destination dik.

Specific configuration details and the steps you are taking would be necessary here to know exactly what you are doing.

What Type of Media Set?

What Engine host machine?

What was the Source of the backed up files?

Exactly how did you attempt the Restore?


In place of a Search Restore, have you tried a Point-In-Time restore?




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Hi, thanks for replying.


I have tried restoring to various hard drives on the network, even the machine running the engine. But they all have the same result. The restore folder gets created on the destination like it is all working but nothing gets restored into the new folder

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Hi Dave,


I have been using retrospect for about 15 years and stupidly assumed that the restore would be fine with this new version. I can't run the 2 backups (version 6 and 8.1) at the same time as there are conflicts with the retrospect client.


I am using a Tandberg Data tape drive Ultrium LTO4 using Ultrium LTO 4 t800/1600GB tapes.

The Computer running the engine is a G4 with 10.4.11. The console is on my computer G5 with 10.6

The source of the backup are both external and internal hard drives of various brands. And I have tried restoring to various drives including the computer running the engine. All wit the same result. the folder gets created but nothing gets put in the folder on teh destination.


To do a restore i have been going to


Search for files in selected media.

Find the file(s) in the selected media set, which it seems to find.

Choose a destination disk


and go start.


Sometimes it goes through the motions and there is no result. Sometimes it just hangs and nothing happens at all.


Does any of that help?



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There seems to be a problem with the 8.1 engine crashing when running on G4s and G5s. I was experiencing that problem when I was trying to do backups on a Dual 867 MHz G4. According to Retrospect technical support this problem has been fixed in 8.2 Once 8.2 is available I would install ASAP.

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Sometimes it goes through the motions and there is no result


So the first thing I'd suggest is trying a point-in-time Restore instead of Searching; you can still pick the file(s) you want from the Snapshot, you just won't have the choice of multiple iterations of the same file(s).


Next I'd make sure the "empty" folder is in fact empty, and not a Finder artifact. Check w/Terminal to confirm.


What is written to the Operations Log?


The Computer running the engine is a G4 with 10.4.11


This would be a dual-G4, yes?


I have been using retrospect for about 15 years and stupidly assumed that the restore would be fine with this new version


Retrospect 8 has been out for less then two years; while it shares a name and some patented technology, little if any of its code is the same as the beloved "Classic" version.


But if you can see the files in the Catalog, I'm crossing my fingers that they've been written to the tapes and can be retrieved. If you're running on less-then-minimum-spec hardware, that's something that should be addressed.




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OOps, I thought it was a G5. looks like it is a Mac Pro then. OSX 10.6.2


Model Name: Mac Pro

Model Identifier: MacPro4,1

Processor Name: Quad-Core Intel Xeon

Processor Speed: 2.66 GHz

Number Of Processors: 1

Total Number Of Cores: 4

L2 Cache (per core): 256 KB

L3 Cache: 8 MB

Memory: 3 GB

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OK, so the engine is at the minimum spec.

But you still haven't shared all the hardware information; how is the tape drive physically connected to the Engine host machine? Is it FireWire? Is it SCSI? Is there a HBA (Host Bus Adapter) involved? What is its make/model? What firmware on the tape drive? What driver?

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The tape driver is connected by a new scsi card Ultra 320 Scsi host adapter (the box says)


Tandberg Ultrium LTO-4 using Ultrium LTO-4 800/1600 GB tapes


Thanks for all of your help so far. I have a tech coming on Tuesday that i am going to have to wait for.

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When the restore does not work does anything get recorded in the log? If not then the engine crashed during the restore and was not able to finish. I was experiencing the same problem with the log not being updated during a backup since the engine crashed and stopped the backup from continuing

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The tape driver is connected by a new scsi card Ultra 320 Scsi host adapter (the box says)

My guess is that this is the Apple rebranded LSI Logic 22320 (see what Apple System Profiler says). If so, it's a piece of junk. We never got that card to work right in our Xserve G5. Replaced it with an ATTO UL4D and all the problems went away.


Now, admittedly, that was with Retrospect 6, not Retrospect 8. But all the Mac tape backup vendors (and Apple engineers, off the record) will tell you to get the ATTO card.


Tandberg Ultrium LTO-4 using Ultrium LTO-4 800/1600 GB tapes

I suggest that you use the Tandberg (Exabyte) lto diagnostic to test the tape drive. If the drive can't pass that diagnostic, there's no hope for Retrospect.


Here's the link:

Tandberg LTO diagnostic utility


Also, I would suggest that you set this aside until the Retrospect 8.x update comes "real soon now". You might be chasing bugs fixed by the update.



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I would suggest that you set this aside until the Retrospect 8.x update comes "real soon now"


Well, don't set aside the investigation as to the make/model of the SCSI HBA. If your (old) G4 is running the (awful) LSI card then even a magical bug-fix release holds little promise for adequate performance.

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I can now get to the link but had lots of problems with the tandberg website trying to download anything. I registered and it was useless.


I had previously downloaded a Tandberg utility, and it can see the tape drive fine fine. Is that what this new utility does?


Had a tech in here. He was useless


I can't wait until the 8.2 comes out. This is now our only backup.


Retrospect here in OZ have crap to no support.


Great job guys. not

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There is an engine bug with 8.1 that when running on certain G4s and G5s it will crash during backups and restores. When this happens it gives the "trouble reading" error.

Since I was never able to get a successful backup I did not try a restore but since using the 8.2 engine on a Dual 867 MHz Dual G4 I have had no problems backing up or restoring files. I was authorized by Retrospect Technical Support to test the 8.2 engine on PowerPC to see if this issue was resolved and like I said I have had no problems.

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Thanks for the info. It is amazing how much more information you can get from these forums compared to the useless tech guy I had to get here and had to pay for.


Does Retrospect have any idea when 8.2 is coming out? DO they need anyone else to test it. Because if this is the problem I have it looks like it wont be fixed until 8.2 comes out.


Another thing I am testing, when it arrives today, is a terminator on the tape drive. The documentation that came with the tape drive apparently had a typo in it and it IS supposed to be terminated. The document says it doesn't need to be, so I haven't terminated it. I will see how that goes. Hopefully that might do it as it is behaving in a similar fashion to other scsi devices we have used years ago when termination was not right.

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