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Emergency Recovery CD

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Windows Retrospect 7.7.325 32-bit Single Server. So I booted a client machine to the Emergency Recovery CD, (Version? the .iso date is 12/5/09) and got to the point where it says I am now running as (Our internal network is 192.168.4.x) However over on the Server, Retrospect Add Clients I get Error -530 client not found. I then rebooted this time adding a Broadcom Ethernet driver (for XP) and got the same result. So what am I missing here?

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got to the point where it says I am now running as (Our internal network is 192.168.4.x) ...


I then rebooted this time adding a Broadcom Ethernet driver (for XP) and got the same result. So what am I missing here?

A good IP address.


169.254.x.x is a special network to use when you can't get an IP address. See RFC 3927


Apparently your computer is trying to get an IP address by DHCP and isn't able to do so. Look in that direction.



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