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macOS Catalina compatibility/new Retrospect version?

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I am trying to upgrade from v12 to v16.5 for Catalina.  It doesn't work and, so far, Retrospect support have been no help at all.

I have downloaded v16.0 -  the dmg file is v16.6 - but it seems impossible to complete the upgrade.

Ok, re-downloading v16.6 got me one stage further - now I have licensing issues.

Ok this is now working. 

The licence problem appears to just be a quirk in the licence field - entering the new licence does not appear to work - there is a red message which says this licence number does not apply to the current version.  But if you leave it, it will eventually accept the licence key.An Australian support number is listed on the support page but is always closed and european times are quoted for the opening hours - I haven't tried calling the Australian number during european hours.

What a mess though...  3 days to do an upgrade!


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Forgive me for possibly insulting your intelligence, but do you know that you can't upgrade from Retrospect Mac 12 to Retrospect Mac 16 without paying for a new license code?  Here's the Licensing Wizard.

If you're only backing up one Mac, and your backup destinations are disks rather than tapes or optical drives, you may only need to pay US$49 (or US$39—it looks like there's a discount in effect) for Retrospect Solo.  Here's the Competitive Analysis Knowledge Base article for that edition.

P.S.: Whenever I add later information—as opposed to a wording clarification—to a post I have already made, SunbeamRapier, I precede that later information with the centuries-old letter-writing abbreviation "P.S." or "P.P.S." etc..  That lets me add a Reason for Edit.  Evidently your generation believes the abbreviation "OK" is equivalent.  To which I can't resist replying "OK, boomer".🤣  Anyway, what you need to do is create a Support Case for the license-key bug; here is why and how to do so.  The fifth paragraph of that post says the head of Retrospect Technical Support "has verbally assured me that you don't need to be signed up for ASM to report a bug—only to get personal assistance with coping with it."  As far as Australian Retrospect Support being "no help at all", the only thing I dare do is to point you to this post—which describes what happened to me earlier this year when I posted about a similar situation.

P.P.S.: In regard to Catalina, you need to read this Knowledge Base article and also this one.  Note that the first KB article, in its last multi-sentence paragraph, erroneously links to the Mojave version of the second KB article rather than the Catalina version—which it should have (except that somebody on Retrospect "Inc."'s. august Documentation Committee didn't coordinate what he wrote in the first article with somebody else who was rewriting the second article for Catalina).

Edited by DavidHertzberg
Add P.S.; add P.P.S.; add Reason for Edit advantage to P.S.
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