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Defending against Cryptolocker

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Malicious software that encrypts the victim's disks seems to be on the rise.  Software like Cryptolocker encrypts all accessible disks, including network volumes and USB disks.  A common Retrospect configuration is to back up to an external hard disk connected by USB.  In such a configuration, a Cryptolocker (or similar) infection would affect the backup as well as the drive being backed up.


User valkyriebiker posted the following on Ars Technica:

I've developed a backup protocol and script for my clients that protects hot backup drives by incorporating the following:
+ vbackup.exe -- a sort of stripped-down robocopy with versioning
+ Set the backup volume ACLs to give modify rights to the backup job only and read-only to the user
+ Remove the user from the local administrators group so that Crypto-viruses cannot take ownership or re-asset modify access to the backup volume. Users should never be on admin regardless. Yeah, yeah, I know.....
+ Give the user an admin-level password-protected account strictly for installing software, drivers, etc. that require it.

Here is a link to the original post: http://arstechnica.com/security/2014/06/we-will-be-paying-no-ransom-vows-town-hit-by-cryptowall-ransom-malware/?comments=1&post=26991139#comment-26991139


This seems very applicable to Retrospect and the configuration I described above.  Trouble is, I don't know enough about Windows administration to set this up.  Can anyone help?

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