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How are the errors counted?

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I include my log (below). Note that there are quite a few "errors".


The summary says "3 errors" on completion. (see snap - included)


Which 3 are THE errors? How are they counted?




+  Normal backup using Weekly_desktop at 6/4/12 (Activity Thread 2)
   To Backup Set v9_iCompute...
   -  6/4/12 9:58:21 AM: Copying Joy_HD_X on Joy
   6/4/12 11:14:26 AM: Snapshot stored, 114.9 MB
   6/4/12 11:14:34 AM: Comparing Joy_HD_X on Joy
   *File "Joy_HD_X/Library/Caches/com.apple.LaunchServices-023504.csstore": didn't compare
   *File "Joy_HD_X/private/var/log/system.log": different data size (set: 1641, vol: 1804)
   *File "Joy_HD_X/private/var/log/windowserver.log": different data size (set: 40808, vol: 40972)
   *File "Joy_HD_X/private/var/log/asl/2012.06.04.asl": different data size (set: 2230, vol: 2389)
   *File "Joy_HD_X/private/var/log/asl/StoreData": didn't compare
   *File "Joy_HD_X/Users/cjl/Documents/eudora folder/Eudora Log": different data size (set: 406400, vol: 84601)
   *File "Joy_HD_X/Users/cjl/Documents/eudora folder/Eudora Settings": different resource size (set: 252001, vol: 252055)
   *File "Joy_HD_X/Users/cjl/Documents/eudora folder/Eudora Settings.bkup": different resource size (set: 251677, vol: 252037)
   *File "Joy_HD_X/Users/cjl/Documents/eudora folder/Eudora Statistics.xml": different data size (set: 12571, vol: 12573)
   *File "Joy_HD_X/Users/cjl/Documents/eudora folder/Personal Nicknames": didn't compare
   *File "Joy_HD_X/Users/cjl/Documents/eudora folder/UsageStats": different data size (set: 3080, vol: 4623)
   *File "Joy_HD_X/Users/cjl/Documents/eudora folder/Eudora Items/Plugins/Esp/Esp.log": different data size (set: 9996, vol: 10200)
   *File "Joy_HD_X/Users/cjl/Documents/eudora folder/IMAP Folder/sysadmin1/Inbox/#&$*- Hidden": didn't compare
   *File "Joy_HD_X/Users/cjl/Documents/eudora folder/IMAP Folder/sysadmin1/Inbox/Inbox": didn't compare
   *File "Joy_HD_X/Users/cjl/Documents/eudora folder/Mail Folder/In": different data size (set: 1437094, vol: 1425361)
   *File "Joy_HD_X/Users/cjl/Documents/eudora folder/Mail Folder/Out": different data size (set: 200079, vol: 198207)
   *File "Joy_HD_X/Users/cjl/Documents/eudora folder/Mail Folder/Trash": different resource size (set: 911495, vol: 913475)
   *File "Joy_HD_X/Users/cjl/Documents/eudora folder/Spool Folder/In.temp": didn't compare
   *File "Joy_HD_X/Users/cjl/Documents/eudora folder/Spool Folder/Out.temp": didn't compare
   *File "Joy_HD_X/Users/cjl/Library/Caches/com.apple.Safari/Webpage Previews/114C2EFC50BDB16438695C35C14CF2E9.jpeg": different data size (set: 45005, vol: 45904)
   *File "Joy_HD_X/Users/cjl/Library/Caches/com.apple.Safari/Webpage Previews/114C2EFC50BDB16438695C35C14CF2E9.png": different data size (set: 132337, vol: 134638)
   *File "Joy_HD_X/Users/cjl/Library/Preferences/.GlobalPreferences.plist": didn't compare
   *File "Joy_HD_X/Users/cjl/Library/Preferences/com.apple.dock.plist": didn't compare
   *File "Joy_HD_X/Users/cjl/Library/Preferences/com.apple.iWork.Pages.plist": different data size (set: 9664, vol: 9330)
   *File "Joy_HD_X/Users/cjl/Library/Preferences/com.apple.PreferenceSync.plist": didn't compare
   *File "Joy_HD_X/Users/cjl/Library/Preferences/com.apple.Preview.bookmarks.plist": different data size (set: 8923, vol: 8969)
   *File "Joy_HD_X/Users/cjl/Library/Preferences/com.apple.Preview.plist": different data size (set: 6835, vol: 6625)
   *File "Joy_HD_X/Users/cjl/Library/Preferences/com.apple.print.custompresets.plist": different data size (set: 15144, vol: 15148)
   *File "Joy_HD_X/Users/cjl/Library/Preferences/com.apple.recentitems.plist": different data size (set: 24371, vol: 24557)
   *File "Joy_HD_X/Users/cjl/Library/Preferences/com.apple.Safari.plist": didn't compare
   *File "Joy_HD_X/Users/cjl/Library/Preferences/com.nowsoftware.nowcontact.plist": didn't compare
   *File "Joy_HD_X/Users/cjl/Library/Preferences/ByHost/com.apple.iCal.helper.001451173bcc.plist": didn't compare
   *File "Joy_HD_X/Users/cjl/Library/Preferences/FileMaker Preferences/FileMaker Pro 8.0A Prefs": didn't compare
   *File "Joy_HD_X/Users/cjl/Library/Preferences/Now Contact™ Prefs/Now Contact™ Prefs (4.0)": didn't compare
   *File "Joy_HD_X/Users/cjl/Library/Preferences/Now Up-to-Date Prefs/Now Up-to-Date Printing Prefs": didn't compare
   *File "Joy_HD_X/Users/cjl/Library/Preferences/Now Up-to-Date Prefs/QuickDay X Events": different data size (set: 5074, vol: 3511)
   *File "Joy_HD_X/Users/cjl/Library/PubSub/Database/Database.sqlite3": different data size (set: 76680192, vol: 76810240)
   *File "Joy_HD_X/Users/cjl/Library/PubSub/Feeds/1c35aca2530ae5680f0856e77db55d2feeb30bbd.xml": different data size (set: 25379, vol: 33798)
   *File "Joy_HD_X/Users/cjl/Library/PubSub/Feeds/600e4cdbdbd613b6f88c22fb55bf7b8d9dc3c251.xml": different data size (set: 43132, vol: 42224)
   *File "Joy_HD_X/Users/cjl/Library/PubSub/Feeds/73de2d277fc5a895287ab76a68c912be73a637b6.xml": different data size (set: 10875, vol: 11187)
   *File "Joy_HD_X/Users/cjl/Library/Safari/History.plist": different data size (set: 116897, vol: 113114)
   *File "Joy_HD_X/Users/cjl/Library/Safari/HistoryIndex.sk": different data size (set: 1548288, vol: 1499136)
   *File "Joy_HD_X/Users/cjl/Library/Safari/LastSession.plist": different data size (set: 597, vol: 899)
   *File "Joy_HD_X/Users/cjl/Library/Safari/WebpageIcons.db": didn't compare
   6/4/12 11:56:38 AM: 3 execution errors
   Completed: 107197 files, 16.6 GB
   Performance: 326.4 MB/minute (272.1 copy, 407.5 compare)
   Duration: 01:58:17 (00:13:57 idle/loading/preparing)

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It does seem a bit of a mystery how Retrospect decides to flag errors. ("Errors" to Retrospect are what cause a red "X" instead of a yellow "!" to appear next to a past activity session.) "Different data size" or the rather vague "didn't compare" lead to the yellow warning, whereas a "different modification date/time" is a red X error.


In your case, my guess is the three "different resource size" errors.

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How about that. Indeed, there are exactly 3 "diffrernt resource size" errors above.


So why is a "different resource size" an error, and "didn't compare" and "different data size" only warnings?


Looks a little odd to me. Maybe there is a good explanation, though.

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If you look at the log in Retrospect, the errors are preceded with a red >

(At least it is that way in version 8.)

Do you really see the red > in Retro 8 logs? In our setup, that symbol was only used in Retro 6.x logs; our Retro 8/9 logs display no color and an asterisk is used to indicate errors.


In Retro 6.x, all logged errors contributed to the listed number of execution errors at the end of each backup session. In Retro 8/9, Retrospect seems to make a distinction between what it considers a serious error (worthy of being added to the number of execution errors and causing the backup session to be displayed with a red X in the Past Activities window) and a minor error (which is not included in the number of execution errors and which causes the backup session to be displayed only with a yellow !)


It's not obvious to me what criteria Retrospect 8/9 uses to distinguish between serious and minor errors, especially in those cases where the logged error message only says "didn't compare" and doesn't say what didn't compare.

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iCompute, you may also be able to reduce the clutter of the warning messages (particularly different data size, different resource size & didn't compare) by using Media Verification rather than Thorough Verification. The warnings you're seeing are a side-effect of doing a backup on an active file system, and are the result of files changing between when they were backed up and when they were verified. My interpretation of the messages is:

  • different data size - the data fork of the file changed size between when the file was backed up and when it was verified. The check that the contents of the backup of the file's data fork are correct is probably skipped.
  • different resource size - the resource fork of the file changed size between when the file was backed up and when it was verified. The check that the contents of the backup of the file's resource fork are correct is probably skipped.
  • didn't compare - the size of the backed up file data fork (resp resource fork?) is the same at verification as it was at backup, but its contents are different.

If you change from Thorough Verification to Media Verication, an MD5 checksum is calculated for each file as it is backed up, and then the backup is re-read and the checksum recalculated and compared with the checksum as it was backed up. If they are different, you get a warning. This means that the log is likely to be less cluttered if the file system being backed up is active. See Backup Script Options in the User Guide (p115-116) for more information.

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Wow. Nice typeface too. I'm jealous.


Here's what I see:


Either the international version is different, or I've been cheated. ;)


Are you running


Anyway, there is no international version (that I know of) so I'm running the US English version. I'm sorry, but you must have been cheated. :)

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