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machine name for source


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How can I change Machine name I see in sources? I have many computers with similar names and would like to change it to something else. Where Retrospect takes the name from? Retrospect 8.2 multiserver. Windows machines reflect computer name but Mac does not. I changed the name of my mac in sharing but Retrospect still sees old name.



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Hi Derek,


As far as I could tell in Retro. 8.2, the server takes the name of the client Mac set in File Sharing when it first connects with that client. The server then tells the client "This is your client name" and the client stores that in /Library/Preferences/retroclient.state . After that, changing the client name in File Sharing has no effect on the name the client and server use for Retro. backups.


To change the name of a client in sources, you select the client name in the Sources list, and then you click on Rename from the list of options

at the top. It is the fourth to the right, starting with Add. When you click Rename a dialog box opens for the new name.


Before you do rename a Source, make sure that the server can communicate happily with the client. I would do so by starting up the GUI on the client

in one window, and then running Refresh on the source in the console and watching for the "Connected" message in the client GUI and no error message

on the server side.


I have had some bad experiences with attempting to rename a client when it was down, or unable to communicate with the server ... I ended up with the

server using one name and the client using the other and it was a mess to fix (I ended up having to drop and re-add the client in the way I described

in "Retro 8.2 multiserver error - 502" thread).

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