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Why the backup performace is very poor? The speed is slow and it takes very long time to finish.

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Restrospect Multi Server

The backup performance of some client is very poor, the speed is only 8.8MB/min(It takes about 24:39 sec to backup 208MB). The client is connected in 100Mb lan, P4 3G HT.

Why the performance is so poor?

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There has been some problems with the previous versions of the Retrospect 7.5 clients. You don't give any details, but if you are running 7.5, make SURE you update Retrospect Server, Driver Update and Client to the latest version.


We have also had problems when we haven't updated the network card drivers. (Windows Update isn't enough, go directly to the vendor.)

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The speed varies greatly from one client to another. Some client can be backuped in 500~800MB/Min, while some others can only in the speed of 10~30MB/Min. What's the reason that the speed is so slow on some client?

It is too slow and we cannot bear it.

The servier is Multi Server V 7.5.286, hot fix v7.5.5.103.

The Client is v7.5.111

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I did write you should update to the latest client, why haven't you?

(There has been performance fixes in the Client software)


I did write you should update to the latest network card drivers. Have you?


Also, backup speed varies GREATLY with the size of the files. Many small files can be real slow.

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